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golden back aka goldy the scented dragon taur train by zenol leytan

golden back aka goldy the scented dragon taur train

zenol leytan

name: golden back (aka goldy)
species: scented dragon taur train
gender: herm
height: 10 feet at the head
length: 45 feet
flavor/scent: vanilla
milk color: gold
abilities: can form eggs around people kept in her womb unaltered, her milk not only is very healthy for you but drink too much and you will become a scented dragon like hir, now weather or not you become a taur like her is entirely random, she can turn this ability on and off with a magic stone she has in her milk gland which will make it not alter you but you may gain a few pounds.
likes: selling her dud eggs for money, her job as a transporter and orphanage worker, being with children and doing everything she can to help make them feel better, helping keep the kids warm at night, playing games with them, letting them jump on her bellies and tail, paw massages and most of all belly rubs.
dislikes: seeing children sad, seeing her friends go (but knows they will be happy with their new families), bullies picking on people smaller then they are, guns, and ants.
weakness's: cake (show her a cake she'll do what ever you want.) belly rubs, tail massages, sad puppy eyes, babies (she just melts when she sees them. X3), dragon nip (makes any dragon high as fuck.) and mushrooms (she's really allergic to them.)

back story: goldy is just a big bundle of love very much like hir sister berry, she works in an orphanage helping care for kids and keeping them happy and loved till they find their families, feeling this is the best choice shi could make, shi also sells hir eggs to food companies sense they are abundant, easy to process, and last 3 times longer then normal chicken eggs in the fridge. shi also sells her milk by the truck load and often to ice cream plants making golden back ice cream and she gets payed very handsomely for this, and if you ever go near her and think about hugging her go right ahead she will not mind what so ever.

art by :iconfirolina:

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    Big dragon! There's a lot of room for all those eggs, I bet~

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      oh tons of room for eggs, and people.