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teh cardiak by zenol leytan

teh cardiak

zenol leytan

species name: cardiak
life form type: symbiotic
size: varies on host. but ranges from the size of a human heart to the size of a small car
entry into the body: through the mouth normally.
species data: the cardiac is a very unusual symbiotic life form in the fact is actually replaces the heart of it's host, normally if the heart is defective or has been greatly damaged, it consumes the damaged heart after severing the veins from it and taking their place with it's tentacles, it is very intelligent and can telepathically speak with the host through the nerves in the spine.

back story: the cardiak is another unusual creature from the same planet as the durmalight but forms more of a mutual relationship with the host in the fact it replaces the host's heart with itself, but most people realize this and actually allow that, though they do end up dieing for about 2 minutes wile the creature gets in place and then jump starts the host bringing them back, the cardiak then gives the host many enhanced abilities, rapid healing, extended life span, greater strength, stronger immune system, and a brand new and more powerful heart and the cardiak gets protection, a steady supply of food, a powerful protector and the ability to explore, it develops a connection to the host's optic nerves and ears allowing them to see and hear everything outside the host and to communicate with the host mentally through the nerves in the spine and brain.

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