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[EaF] Mt. Arvean by Zeitzbach

[EaF] Mt. Arvean


Sarnu Lightwind redrawn once more with some design change. He is so much more fun to draw now, going up by a huge jump on my tier list for Fav design, Fav char and Fav personality. Sadly most of the costume was covered when I redid his wing.

I find it fun now to draw background like this once in a while. It adds a whole new setting to the world. From a random mountain into Mt. Arvean, a settlement for the bird people and a new legend about the Twin Mirage Towers, Nebelzawilling.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Stunning lighting! I'm so envious of people who can pull off the sketchy backgrounds - simply beautiful :)

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      Thank C: Sketchy background really is a pain especially when you try to get the right angle. I guess that's why people prefer to not draw foot at all when doing this kind of stuffs.

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    Welcome, to the League of Legends champion spotlight!

    Like I said before, the feather coloring is superb. The background is nice, but I feel like a sharper background would've been a tad bit better. Regardless, I love what you did here and I can't wait for more submissions like this.

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      I really did use a lot of LoL splashes as refs, specifically Aviator Irelia (chinese) and default Wukong. LoL still needs a bird mage. Sadly, the last time they mentioned another Shurima desert champ, it's gonna be a boob lady in monster uniform.

      Friend did mention as well that certain spots like the bottom left branch could use a bit sharpening and maybe add a bit of dust and particle here and there to show motion. Going to keep those in mind.

      But for a first full pic with actual BG and action pose, it turned out much better than I thought it would. Gonna try and do better next time though.