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A Big Glitch by Zeichwolf

Buzz, buzz, the alarm rang in the distance. A paw emerged from under a thick quilt and roamed around, missing the nightstand by a good foot before waving back in the other direction, attempting to stop the source of the incessant noise. This time the flailing limb managed to get in the ballpark, knocking over a book and a pair of glasses before finding the clock, only to drop it onto the floor too, with a loud crunch as the frames below absorbed the impact. On the bright side, the cord came out of the wall as the clock fell, shutting the digital alarm off when it hit the ground. The downside was that the glasses beneath were totaled in a way only a fumbled alarm clock could manage.

Groaning as he slid out from under his covers, Glitch winced as he heard a crunch from underfoot. Looking down, the hyena ran a paw through his headfur and sighed as he saw the crumpled heap beneath his feet. Retrieving the remains of his glasses--the second pair he'd broken this month!--the dusty-brown canine tossed them into a bin nearby and picked his alarm clock up as well. Thankfully the latter hadn't been damaged in the fall, and Glitch could see well enough without his glasses as long as whatever he was looking at wasn't too far away, so he wasn't too badly off. Still, it was annoying to have to replace his glasses again, even if it could be chalked up to everyday routine.

Glitch had always been an unlucky sort, though as a lesser case. He wasn't the kind of person to get severely hurt or inconvenienced on a daily basis, but rather seemed to run afoul of small issues that were troublesome without being worth worry. The hyena had always blamed his name, saying that his life seemed to be a series of small glitches messing it up, and he seemed to prove it every day. Breaking his glasses was a familiar variant, though there were often things such as losing his keys while he was out of the house or other non-valuables breaking around him. For whatever reason Glitch had just been born unlucky, and could not seem to get rid of his "curse" despite every attempt to do so.

Stretching, Glitch wandered over to the bathroom that was connected to the room, clad in only his pajama bottoms as he sleepily bit back another yawn. The hyena was tired; he had been up all night working on his latest project. A self-employed scientist, the canine was often in his lab, unseen by most except for his assistant as he worked on various experiments. Of late, Glitch had been working on a formula that would revolutionize his life, making it so that despite the various "glitches" that occurred he would have little need to worry about the consequences. The formula itself was supposed to encourage cell growth and regeneration, which would have a number of positive effects on the living body should it be successful.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Glitch glumly looked over his frame, glad that he was in the testing stages of his formula now. Looking back was a tall, somewhat lanky hyena that had a bit of muscle from working out at home--he didn't want to risk the consequences of his daily "glitches" at a public gym; they could range from embarrassing to mortifying--that showed in his arms and some definition in his chest, but all that was hidden by the extra puppy fat that had never melted off of his frame, giving him a somewhat rounded belly with a touch of softness on his torso and face. Overall, he didn't have anything close to the ideal body he wanted to get one day, but he was hoping his formula would help with that, too. It would all depend on the progress of the alpha testing today.

Rinsing his face with cold water to clear away the last of a short night's sleep, Glitch let out another yawn and made his way back to his bedroom, quickly dressing himself for the day. Selecting a casual outfit, as the hyena wasn't a cut-and-paste scientist with a white lab coat and long pants, Glitch dressed himself in a loose pair of cargo shorts and an off-brown tank-top, noting that they were still a little snug around the waist, where his small gut protruded. Reminded again that his research may be changing the little problems in his life, like the extra weight around his middle, the hyena grabbed his keys from the dresser and headed out the door, pulling out of his driveway and driving down to his laboratory about thirty minutes away.

Stakket-Co Labs was a formerly famous experimental center used for testing of various products back in the day, but as other companies grew, Stakket-Co was forced to downsize. As a means of conserving some capital, they began renting out smaller offshoot laboratories to self-employed scientists who wanted to work on their own experiments rather than being forced to tailor their research to that of the company's main goals. This had been a small success, as they were located near only a moderately-sized city, meaning that there wasn't a large pool of employment to draw from. Still, it had given Glitch the laboratory he needed to test his various formulas for personal enhancement--personal being a vague term, as it was meant to help whoever used it--and he could not complain about the low rent.

Arriving at the laboratories, Glitch flashed his ID, dropping it in the process and being required to stop his car in order to retrieve it, and at the same time proving his identity with his actions. The hyena was pretty well known for his little "glitches" and so rarely had to prove who he was; his actions spoke for him. Grumbling as he retrieved his ID, Glitch made his way to his lab building, 14-A, and headed inside. He was unsurprised to see his assistant's car in another of the vacant spots; Derrik had a habit of being in early so that he could get his own work done. The weasel had been taken on as a research assistant when Glitch realized that he could only do so much on his own, and he did his job well. However, whenever there was spare time that his boss didn't need him, Derrik was happy to use the lab for his own research, a habit that the hyena encouraged. After all, if it made the weasel more eager to work and get things done, then there was no harm in letting him do what he wanted in his free time.

Unlocking the door, Glitch found the weasel asleep at one of the tables, notebooks and various papers scattered around him, some even finding their way beneath the weasel's head to form a rough pillow. [I]Derrik must have been pulling an all-nighter,[/I] the hyena thought to himself, and he stepped quietly around the sleeping assistant as he made his way to the far end of the lab. There, enough bubbling chemicals to make a mad scientist envious sat in various containers.

As he approached, the hyena noticed something unusual; the chemicals were in different balances than the night before, with several of the tubes running low. Looking around, Glitch spotted a hurried, handwritten note that had been left nearby a pair of sealed test tubes. "I've done it!" the note read, the letters unusually sloppy for Derrik's writing, "I've finished your formula, making it bond properly with the DNA samples we have! It's in the corked test tube nearby. We can test it first thing tomorrow!"

Smiling to himself, Glitch chuckled and set the note aside. No wonder Derrik was exhausted; he had probably spent all night in frenzied discovery. Mentally reminding himself to thank the weasel when he awoke, the hyena looked over and grabbed the two vials. Both looked identical, a clear mixture that could be mistaken for water within the depths of each, and neither was labeled; which was the formula? It was possible that there were two batches of it, one for Derrik to test and one for Glitch himself, and that the note was simply missing an "s" to make the test tube plural. However, it was possible that Derrik's own work had gotten mixed into the pile as well, and that only one of them was the proper compound. What was he to do?

Impatiently drumming a foot against the ground as he considered, Glitch decided to throw courtesy to the wind and moved over to wake his assistant. As he moved over, however, the hyena noticed a few notes scattered near the weasel's head. One of them appeared to be on the formula, with all of the testing and results they had shown to this point, but atop that was a sticky note, likely Derrik's, as the weasel could be absent-minded. It was short and to the point, merely four words: "Don't forget stabilizing formula." Clearly the hyena's assistant had figured out the missing step in their research, one that would allow the overall effects to be kept in check. That probably explained the second vial; it contained the stabilizer, and thus both vials had to be taken together. It seemed simple enough.

The information set in his mind, Glitch left his assistant to his sleep, deciding it would be rude to awaken him just because he was impatient. Instead, the hyena moved to the testing facility on the far side of the lab, taking both vials with him. Placing them in a machine on the outside of the enclosed area--one could never be too careful with testing new formulas--Glitch stepped through the door and let the decontamination process cleanse his clothing and fur. Five minutes of the usual laser-precision left him feeling as if his fur had been peeled off, his skin cleaned, and the fur glued right back on top as it always did, but he was safely decontaminated so that he would not cause any variances in the formula.

On the other side of a bulletproof--and explosion-proof, as they had learned several times to their relief--pane of glass, the two formulas were being loaded into injectors so that they could be released in controlled amounts for testing. In the same room, there were dozens of small potted plants that Glitch used for testing on; as biological subjects, they were good for testing the immediate harmful effects of a mixture on a living organism. If they wilted, for example, they tended to be dangerous for consumption or internal effects. If they caught on fire, that too was certainly a bad sign as well, as they had learned. They had figured out a new, if expensive, means of producing a fuel alternate with that one, but it was a poor-quality substitute and thus didn't do much for them.

Moving over to the console that controlled the electronic arms used for testing, Glitch maneuvered the first injector over to a line of plants. Carefully, he injected the needle's head into the plant's main stem, inserting it just beneath the first layer and slowly injecting a bit of the compound into it. The first testing dose was minimal, just barely a tap on the plunger, but it was enough for testing purposes. Glitch had it withdrawn in moments, and then introduced an identical dosage of the second vial to the next plant down the line. The hyena wasn't sure which was the stabilizer and which was the actual formula, so he was testing on individual plants to see which of the ones showed the signs he was hoping for.

The effects were immediate, though unexpected; both plants started growing bigger, larger in size, as if they were going through a large growth spurt. They grew at approximately a similar rate, doubling in size in only moments before shuddering to a stop, their growth finished. Glitch raised an eyebrow, impressed, though it only served to confuse him more as well. If both vials had contained the serum, then where was the stabilizer compound? Had Derrik mixed it in already, or was that note to say that he hadn't made it yet? The plants seemed fine, and were no longer growing, suggesting the former, and there didn't seem to be any negative side effects; all evidence pointed to the stabilizer being present.

That was good enough for Glitch, and the results of the test were astounding, exactly as he had hoped for. The cellular growth was not unanticipated as a minor side effect, and it would only be an improvement for the formula's overall effect. Quickly heading through the door again, and thankful that the sanitation process was only one-way to save time and money, the hyena moved to the machine that held the two vials. They were quickly ejected and snatched up by the hyena, who unplugged them from the system and took them over to the table where he had most of his materials stored, particularly the container of individually-boxed syringes that he could make use of. Quickly, the hyena unwrapped one, paws shaking as he thought of how much his life would improve after this. No more glitches, and even if they did happen, they wouldn't be anywhere near as much of a bother as they were now.

Dipping the syringe into the vial, Glitch pulled the plunger and watched the container fill with the clear serum. There were no notes on just how much was to be used, but the hyena figured he could just start with small doses and work his way up should the formula be a success. The hyena grabbed an alcohol swab from nearby as well, unwrapping it and applying it to the area of his right arm that he intended to inject it into. He closed his eyes for a moment, thanking the wonders of science for what was about to happen; his whole life was about to take a turn for the better, and it was all thanks to the diligent manner in which he had pursued his research. And then, once he had prepared himself, he injected the needle into the prepared site.

Glitch winced for a moment, the sting of the needle reduced slightly by the alcohol-numbed area, but still present. Taking another breath, he slowly pushed down on the plunger for the syringe, emptying about a third of the liquid into the vein. Immediately there was a warm sensation running through his arm, starting from the point of injection. It was a feeling that sent a shiver down his spine, similar to the warmth one felt while stretching, blood flowing more freely through the body. It was a comforting sensation, and the hyena felt his tail wagging softly as he closed his eyes, enjoying the first phase of the serum's effects while it began to bond with his DNA and begin the genetic alterations to his body.

Opening his eyes again, the hyena absently cast his gaze to the side, idly noting the large plants through the clear glass that led to the testing chamber. He had forgotten just how big they had grown; they were nearly outgrowing their containers, the pots about ready to buckle under the increased mass. In fact, there were roots poking through a hole in one... wait, were they doing that before? Glitch blinked and moved over, since he had a good two minutes or so before the serum fully kicked in, curious as to what was going on. He hadn't thought the plants had grown [I]that[/I] much; they were a good four or five times bigger than usual rather than the projected doubling, maybe tripling at worst in size.

"What the...?"

That was all Glitch got out before the first wave of the serum hit him like a punch to the gut. The hyena doubled over as the drug filled his body with increasing heat, causing him to pant heavily as he felt as though he were on fire. It was a good burn, though; if he had the experience, the hyena might have said it was similar to the feeling after a workout, with your muscles tired and overheated from the strain. It was like working up a sweat through activity, pleasing in the fact that the body was working as it should, and increasing in performance. But all that Glitch knew was that it was a troubling feeling, one he hadn't expected; the hyena hadn't taken temperature checks on the plants during the brief testing phase, and so hadn't anticipated this side effect. What was going on?

And then the first surge of tightness began. It felt like his muscles were trying to flex themselves, starting with the arm where Glitch had first injected the serum. Looking over, the scientist was surprised when he saw that it looked thicker than before. A closer examination showed that the muscles in the limb looked more developed than they had been before, even if only by a little, showing tone that hadn't been there before. Reflexively, the hyena raised his arm and flexed it slightly, watching the increased muscle mass swell a bit more from the effort. It was amazing; it looked as though he had been working out at the gym for the last few months, rather than working in his laboratory almost daily. Already the serum was showing its positive effects, improving the body's muscle mass as well as the regulation of blood and nutrients which would promote overall cell wellness. The former was a bonus, while the latter was the original intention to encourage a healthy body.

The warmth continued to spread through Glitch's body, and he relaxed his arm to take a look at the rest of his frame, only to notice that the swollen limb didn't seem to shrink when he relaxed the muscles. Curious, the hyena flexed it again, only to watch it bulge larger than last time, at least an extra inch thicker around than it had been before. Amazed, he relaxed it and flexed again, only to get a similar result as the serum continued to work on his body mass. Already his arm looked like it belonged on someone who was an actual bodybuilder, rather than someone who only occasionally worked out at home.

Finally the hyena turned his attention away from his arm, looking down at the rest of his body. That tensing sensation was starting to spread across his entire frame right now, and already Glitch could see more definition and form to his chest, which was starting to push out against his tank-top. The shirt had been a little loose before, hanging comfortably without really fitting completely, but now it was snug on his frame as the scientist continued to slowly grow. Unable to resist the urge, Glitch put his hands against his hips and attempted to flex his chest slightly, taking deep breaths and feeling the shirt become even tighter on his frame. It was a good feeling, suddenly having one's clothes feel tight on a body that was becoming more and more ideal by the moment.

A waft of cool air brushed against the hyena's stomach, and he realized that he was a little taller as well, his tank-top not quite covering his entire torso. There was about an inch of space between the bottom of his shirt and the waistband of his cargo shorts, revealing a large strip of dusty-brown fur, and the gap slowly grew. Chuckling to himself and realizing that if this growth continued much longer his shirt probably wouldn't fit, Glitch made his way towards the bathroom facilities that the lab had, determined to see just how effective the serum was. As an afterthought, he grabbed the syringe that still was partially filled; it couldn't hurt to have it on hand should he want just a [I]little[/I] more growth, after all.

Arriving at the bathroom, the hyena closed the door behind him, locking it quietly. Moving over to the large mirror above the sink, he took a moment to pose before it, still wearing his tank-top even as it tightened a bit more from his flexing. Already he was having a hard time recognizing himself; Glitch had to be at least three inches taller than before, and had put on at least fifteen pounds of muscle. Of course, a closer look showed that it wasn't all muscle; the hyena had somehow managed to maintain the fair-sized belly he had possessed before, the bulge of his middle poking out the bottom of his tank-top in a fair curve and protruding out about an inch further than his slowly-growing pectorals. The only difference as that it was a much rounder shape now, rather than a soft mass, sort of like he was an off-season lifter. It wasn't as impressive as a set of abs would be, but it was a start.

Turning sideways to examine himself, Glitch let his eyes roam down his figure. His arms were much larger than before, at least four or five inches each at the bicep, and he flexed them with a grin, watching the muscle mound up. This time when he relaxed his arms, however, they returned to their normal (well, normal after his growth) size rather than remaining engorged, to the hyena's slight disappointment. He had gotten caught up in the pleasure of the serum's growth, and almost wished it would keep going. Still, he had to admit he looked good; aside from his thick arms, his chest was much broader and firmer than before, his pecs stretching out the tank-top and showing a fair amount of definition as they threatened to bulge over the low neck slightly. His gut was still a point of confusion, but it showed in its shape that there was a fair deal of muscle beneath the fat that remained; it could probably be burnt off in time.

The growth had not stopped at his torso, of course; the hyena could feel that his shorts were much tighter, and a look at his body showed that it was for a number of reasons. His waistline was a bit thicker due to the musclegut he had going, causing his hips to be a bit thicker, and to his surprise the growth had added a bit of extra weight to his backside, causing it to bulge out slightly in the back. Glitch's tail even showed signs of improvement, thicker and a bit bushier than before, the fur well-treated rather than a little scraggly from all the times it accidentally got sat on in a day. His legs were a good deal thicker as well, the seams of his shorts groaning around thickened thighs, the bottom of which protruded from shorts that looked too small for his size now.

Overall, Glitch certainly did not resemble the hyena he had been before, and he loved it. Pausing a moment to consider, he peeled off his tight tank-top to get a better view of his body, flexing his chest and watching his spotted hide ripple and bounce over his thick muscles. A paw descended to the large gut that protruded from his frame, and the hyena thoughtfully rubbed across the large mound of his middle. He would definitely have to work to get rid of that gut, but at least it was a lot firmer than it had been before, rather than bouncing and jiggling with every step he took, reminding him of how ineffective his home workout progress had been. In fact, it was a good deal less squishy; perhaps the serum had burned off some of the fat that had been there?

Now intrigued, Glitch considered taking a second dose of the serum. He was bigger, yes, but he was hardly impressive in his stature. Oh, he'd get a look or two at the gym, but the hyena figured he could do better now that he had the means to make himself grow much more efficiently. After all, who needed the gym when one could just inject the muscle growth directly? It would be faster and far less exerting to simply take the serum, and let its effects swell him up into a properly buff body. The scientist could just see it now; he'd walk into the gym with the body of a professional, huge muscles bulging and threatening all but the biggest sizes of clothing, lift things the others could only dream of, and then walk out with a trail of awe-struck face behind him. He'd get looks and numbers left and right on the street, impressing everyone he passed... and all it would take was the serum that he had produced.

Grabbing the syringe from where he had left it on the sink, Glitch lined it up with the same injection point as before. However, that one was difficult now; thanks to the larger, firmer muscles, the hyena had to much more carefully aim for the vein. Eventually he had the needle positioned properly, and he carefully guided the head until it pierced the skin. Wincing again, the hyena made sure it was completely in before pushing on the plunger, intent on adding another third of the original dose... only to accidentally shove the entirety of the remaining serum into his body, his fingers pressing too firmly on the plunger and giving him a larger dose than he had intended.

"Damnit!" The hyena yanked the syringe out of his arm, biting his lip as the needle broke from the force, though it was easy enough to extract. Rubbing at the sore spot and disposing of the syringe in the nearby receptacle, Glitch worriedly looked at his arm, which was already heating up. And it was more potent than before, the temperature increasing quickly as the serum's effects kicked in twice as powerfully as the last dose. Before it had even finished spreading throughout his body, the warmth progressed to the steady throb and flexing of his muscles, beginning in his arm again. This time, however, it was far more potent; rather than growing in short flexes like before, it looked like someone had literally attached an air hose to the hyena's arm and was pumping like mad, causing it to swell and bloat out quickly with new size. Five more inches were added in only seconds, followed by another five, and suddenly Glitch's arm was thicker than his legs had been when this had all started.

The sensation continued to the hyena's chest, and he was thankful his tank-top had been removed as his torso started swelling as well, growing thicker at an incredibly rapid pace. His chest doubled in its thickness quickly, his whole torso growing massive in moments as muscle began to grow increasingly defined. His skin and fur could handle the sudden growth easily, thanks to the original intent of the serum, the cells multiplying and healing quickly to prevent any damage to his body from the sudden surges of growth, but even so it was disorienting to watch him swell up like a parade balloon parody of a bodybuilder. Already his chest looked like a pair of boulders in firmness, rock-hard and swollen so thick he was having a hard time reaching his arms around them. His back muscles had swelled as well, as had his shoulders, and as a result Glitch looked to have increasingly less neck. He started to feel a little nervous as he felt his chin resting on the thick shelf of his pectorals, making it harder and harder to look down.

Thankfully the mirror was still there, and Glitch could see that he was still growing quickly. His height had shot up by another six inches, putting him just under seven feet in height, and his body was still growing thicker. His gut, rather than receding as more fat was burned away, actually swelled larger, and faster than the rest of him. Soon the thick dome swelled out a far distance past his waistband, stretching the already-creaking fabric, and though at a touch it was firmer than fat, there was still a good deal of give to it that made the hyena wince; he hadn't gotten rid of that extra "puppy weight" that he had kept from before at all, and in fact it seemed worse than before. Atop that, the extra girth was visible in thick hips and a rounded rump that was starting to tear through the back of his shorts. The belt he had worn atop it had snapped at some point, apparently, and the button was threatening to burst under his increasing girth.

Another loud groan came from the shorts, and the seams popped along the left leg as the swollen thigh's growth continued, thick as a small tree trunk and still growing thicker by the moment. At the same time, his increasingly larger backside popped the seat, and the tatters began to simply fall off his frame. The hyena was too concerned with his surging growth to be embarrassed about his decency, though he had to admit to himself that he looked pretty damn good as it was. He certainly was far larger than any bodybuilder he had ever seen in the competitions, and was a good deal taller; he'd be a shoe-in if this growth ever stopped!

But as with all of his glitches, things weren't so easy. Another surge of warmth came, and another, and Glitch groaned as he continued to bulk up. The height was starting to slow at about seven and a half feet tall, but the muscle mass was not; The hyena was quickly recognizing that he was becoming a bit too large and muscled to keep his mobility completely; he lifted his arm, and tried to fold it across his chest, only to have it stop about two-thirds of the way down the bend when his arm muscles pressed up against one another, making it difficult to go any further. Atop that, he could only move his limbs so far to the sides, as they impacted his pecs and refused to budge any further.

The hyena in the mirror was completely alien to Glitch now; he was nearly two feet taller than before, and probably at least three hundred pounds of muscle heavier than he had been. Thick pecs, hard as steel and wider than the average person was at the shoulders [I]each[/I] protruded outwards, forming a thick shelf that, along with his flaring lats, made it impossible to move his head in any direction besides small wiggles to the sides. Looking up or down wasn't an option anymore, as his neck was so far buried in his swollen body so as to be nonexistent. His arms were wider than an average waist with muscle along the forearms, and far thicker along the biceps, and were also struggling to bend for space.

Below Glitch's pecs, the hyena sported an enormous gut that was quite obviously fat, likely a result of the cell multiplication also affecting the fatty layers of his body. Though it wasn't a sagging mass of jello, the large mound was far from the initial musclegut it had been, rounded yet still soft-looking to offset the hyena's firm build. It wobbled heavily with each breath, the deep navel just barely visible along the bottom curve of the thick curves, and the sides bulged out in visible love handles, folds of soft fat squishing over Glitch's wide hips. These hips led to quite the large lower body as well, with a heavy backside that looked like it could take up two, maybe even three seats at a theater, stretching the hyena's briefs out to the point that they look painted on around the thick globes. Last but not least, the male's thighs were bulked out to the point of being as thick as oak trees, and thanks to their sheer width, it forced Glitch into an exaggerated waddle just to take a step, as they were fighting for space even in his widened stance.

Truly he was huge; there was no denying that. Glitch had to admit that he was surprised at just how potent the serum had been; it was supposed to only aid in cell regeneration and health, yet it also seemed to have a multiplying effect on cells that were already in existence. With a sinking feeling, the hyena realized that he knew what Derrik had meant by the stabilizer now; whatever the original intention, the regeneration rate of cells was definitely out of control from merging with biological DNA, and had to be stabilized to allow for healthy growth without going crazy with overproduction. While he couldn't argue with the results, as he had an almost ideal body aside from its sheer massiveness, Glitch decided that a lot more testing had to be done before this serum could be released to the public.

Walking with some difficulty, as his massive body had a very unusual center of gravity that was around the front of his stomach, just below his pecs, the hyena made his way towards the bathroom door. Every step was foreign to him, his thick muscles bulging and rubbing against one another, creating a warm sense of friction. The extra fat on his body didn't help either, as his gut bounced and wobbled heavily over the waistband of his groaning briefs, causing Glitch to stumble a few times as the large mass threw off his balance regularly. The door itself proved to be a challenge as well; after four or five attempts to reach the lock made difficult by his muscle mass, the hyena stepped back and grabbed the handle, giving a powerful pull that simply ripped the door off of its iron hinges. At least all that strength was handy for something!

The loud noise drew an onlooker from across the room; Derrik, who had apparently woken up at some point, ran over with his jaw agape as he saw Glitch practically waddle out of the bathroom, several times larger than before. "S-sir!" Despite the fact that Glitch treated his "assistant" as an equal, the weasel insisted on giving him a title anyway. "I left a note by those vials, I haven't put the stabilizers in yet! The formulas are unstable, and cause exceptional cell multiplication..."

"You're not telling me anything I haven't already guessed..." The hyena sighed, sheepishly pointing at his expansive body. "I got a little overeager when it seemed to work well on the plants, and they certainly didn't seem out of control..."

"No? Go look at the testing chamber, sir." Glitch did so as suggested, waddling over slowly, only to have his jaw drop. The plants he had been testing on had outgrown the chamber and multiplied rapidly, creating a veritable jungle of vegetation that had stemmed from just the two plants tested. "The multiplication effect has a slight delay on it to try and prevent some of the overgrowth, but without the stabilizers there's usually an extra surge or two of growth near the end that causes cells to multiply even more. It's not as potent as the original growth side effect that the serum was producing, but it's still enough that it's worth worrying about... what's wrong, sir?"

Glitch let out another shiver as he felt the warmth starting through his body again, and he groaned as he felt his hide stretching again, with muscle mass slowly packing in beneath the oversized bulk. "Yeah... that extra surge you mentioned...? Nnngh... I think that's what's wrong..."

Derrik stepped back as the hyena started to grow again, not as rapidly as before but still visibly, more and more muscle adding onto his frame. His shoulders broadened so far that the weasel wouldn't be able to reach from one to the other with his arms spread as wide as he could get them, hulked out with muscle that made them nearly impossible to shift. Glitch's arms thickened with new mass, widening to the point he literally was unable to bend them more than an inch or two in any direction, vastly limiting their mobility. That, combined with his rapidly swelling chest pushing them out to the sides so that they were angled away from his body, made their use very questionable. His torso swelled to the point he literally couldn't move his head in any direction now, and opening his muzzle was even difficult as he had to fight for space with the muscles that pressed against his chin.

Atop that, the hyena was rapidly adding to his weight; his gut looked like a swelling water balloon, growing heavier and somewhat softer, sagging over his hips and squishing outwards. I maintained some of its firmness, giving it a round shape, but it definitely was a bit heavier than a simple musclegut. His hips thickened significantly as well giving him an overall round figure that started wide at the chest, widened further at the gut, and narrowed only marginally at the hips and thick rear that was protruding from his briefs, the thick masses shaking with every shiver of the hyena's body. Glitch's legs were having problems keeping up, too; with his stance nearly as wide as it could go, they were fighting for any remaining space that there was, and making it nearly impossible to move them. A step couldn't even be called waddling anymore; the hyena was starting to have to shift his whole body around to try and inch one leg forward, and progress was impossibly slow thanks to his increased mass.

Thankfully, as Derrik had predicted, the surge didn't last long, but it was enough to put Glitch at an even eight feet and nearly a half-ton muscled hulk that loomed far over the small weasel. The hyena found himself almost completely immobile, unable to use his arms for anything significant, or even turn his head in any direction. He was just a muscled behemoth, dressed in barely-decent tatters, a monolith of bulk that wouldn't be going anywhere soon until they found an antidote to reverse some of the changes. Glitch wouldn't let it all go away; he wanted to keep [I]some[/I] of this mass, after all! But it certainly wouldn't hurt to get his mobility back...

Glitch was directed to rest and let his assistant do the work while he dictated, exhausted from his growth and the rush of events that had been all packed together in one rushed morning. His life certainly had changed, as he had hoped, but not in the manner he had expected. Once more, it seemed his personal glitches were determined to pop up at the worst times... and this had certainly been a [I]big[/I] glitch, creating its own big Glitch.

A Big Glitch


An older request from back in the day, when I was having a slump in my writing and turned to whatever I could find for a bit of inspiration. GlitchHyena on FA threw me this suggestion back in a stream, and this is what resulted! It ended up being a muscle-growth story, an area I don't have a lot of experience in, involving Glitch's hyena, Glitch. Naturally, with a name like that, the poor guy has a lot of little mishaps in life, little 'glitches' that cause problems here and there. However, when he comes up with a serum that will change all that, will it cause an even bigger Glitch? Read on and find out!

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Literary / Story