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Children Shouldn't Venture Far at Night By: Neltruin by Zardis

Children Shouldn't Venture Far at Night By: Neltruin


Zardis smiled, peering down from the tree that was outside of the farmers house. The sun was leaving the land so the farmer was abonding there feilds and herds too rest to do it all over again tomorrow.

Night time creeped over fast, the family inside lay asleep which gave Zardis a chance to catch a quick snack that was grazing in the feilds. The goat grumbled, bending it's neck to mow on the grass below, Zardis couldn't help but wrap her tail around the branch, steadying herself for a leap to snatch the goat. Zardis breathed in deeply, hiding in the bushy leaves and let her tongue hang loose in her jaws from hunger.

Zardis flattened her ears, snarled and leaned back on her hind legs while at the last moment before she was about to pounce the front door of the farms house creeked open and out stepped a young girl, carrying her baby blue blanket in hand. Zardis snarled and grumbled "What is a child doing up this late?" She sighed and watched as the girl walked down the stairs and towards the tree, clicking on a flashlight and looking around, ever so softly saying "Snuggles?" Zardis was unsure who this snuggles was but it seemed to lead to some sort of teddy bear that this child was told would comfort her.

Zardis smiled and sat back into position, leaning on her hind legs once again, watching as the girl came closer and closer, repeating herself in a more worried voice now. Zardis breathed, waiting till the girl was just close enough and swung herself, tail wrapped tight on the tree branch, swooping down and hearing an awful scream as the flashlight was pointed upward, to were Zardis once sat.

In seconds Zardis had slammed the young child to the ground, knocking the flashlight away. The girl screamed, crying of fear until Zardis smiled one last time, striking and putting her jaws around the girls neck, instantly draining the blood from its body until it seemed to have fallen asleep. Zardis released her grip, jumping off the body and sat beside it, sniffing the face "I didn't suck her dry, only unconsious" she thought to herself.

Suddenly the front door of the farmers house slambed open, 3 beings stood in it, looking down at the ground where there offspring lay, blood dripping from its neck and soiling its pajamas. "Lucy?!" The adult female yelled and started running toward the body, until it stopped and looked Zardis straight in the eye and screamed like its child, Zardis snarled and ran, only to peer behind her shoulder as the adult male shook his fist and yelled "I'll fucking kill you, you beast!"

ANYWAY, so i commissioned neltruin for this

I asked for Zardis hanging upside down from a tree-branch, cause its often what Zardis does ferally. She sleeps upside down by her tail as well


© Drawn by neltruin

© Fursona to zardis

Submission Information

Visual / Digital