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Band of Dragons by Zaelgolin

Band of Dragons


After finding the local dragon meet-up late last year, it's become somewhat of a weekly occurrence to hang out: eating, drinking, laughing, occasionally tormenting but always sharing a great time with each other. Admittedly, the cast each week isn't always the same, but there are a few usual suspects - and I wanted to do a fun little group gift for them. While we aren't a band, there's been a few snaps of dragons at instruments in our galleries, which served as the inspiration. Now before you comment on the band name, the "Dragon Force" concept was already taken, so I had to pick a runner-up.

Again, there's a lot of room for improvement here. Notable areas include feet (four-toed especially...ugh), hand positions, Sabre's tail, Grael's snout and ...all of Caina... (I just realized I've never drawn anything but dragons before...). Either way, I'm happier with my shading work this time around though I know I still need to experiment with color banding for shading and not rely on simple gradients (hey, I'm learning!). All in all though, I'm fairly happy with how this came out...but holy crap did this ever take longer than expected.

But without further ado, our talented band members are:

  • Grael Dragon shredding out lead guitar
  • QB89 Dragon belting out the vocals
  • Target tickling those ivories
  • Sabre Dragon groovin' long and cool on bass
  • Me messing up the tempo on drums
  • Caina making sure we sound our best

All characters copyright of their respective owners of course.

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Visual / Digital