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Dream big, live big by YourFriendlyVirus

Dream big, live big


Something that came to me after reading the description of p-debardelaben's part of art trade, found here:

"Carmela, this is the fifth time today that you’ve been bothering me about this. I told you I need some time to think about it!" Ricky spoke in a somewhat annoyed tone as a small Nidorina clung to himself affectionately.

"But Ricky, darlin’, just imagine!! Joo and me, takin’ up the whole world and headin’ to the top! We’ll be rich and famous!! Wut’s there to think about?!", she spoke with almost childlike glee as she rubbed her cheek against his arm. Ricky’s just lucky she doesn’t know Attract or he might end up pulled into her shenanigans much faster. "With your fightin’ skills and my managing talents, we’ll be known worldwide befo’ joo know it!! Everyone will be cheering for Magnificent Ricky!!"
Ricky turned towards her with a confused look. “….What managing skills?”

It’s been three days since his famous match with Team ACT’s Tyranitar, from which he emerged victorious-much to the shock and surprise of everyone who witnessed it. The event inspired Carmela (who originally issued the challenge and presented Ricky as her “champion” for the battle) to try and talk her friend into taking up more professional battling. While the idea was somewhat tempting for Ricky, he was still unsure-his rescue team business was doing okay, even though the things have been relatively quiet lately. Carmela’s constant badgering and sweet-talking wasn’t helping much either.

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Decisions, but at least he's thinking from both sides of the fence. :O

  • Link

    That dress is adorable!