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Razaél by Yarik



(Okay, I think I'll stop with the spam for now. I've found the FA-Weasyl crosspost app for chrome VERY useful and comfortable C: I might post all the stuff I post on FA here, too <D )

Submission text was written on FA:

What is that, a human on FA?!

Well yeha. I know it is ironic but one reason why I switched from dA to FA were my human characters : >

I won’t babble for long about it now, since my whining could be endless about the topic, but let’s say I think I won’t feel very upset here, on FA, with those characters. Even if the pictures would get ignored completely I still feel more comfortable than I felt with my old dA account :’D

Razaél is a bit complex character… so I won’t try to explain him just now on this totally old and badly drawn picture. It’s okay if you assume he is just another cliché black-leather-coat wearing Asian-hair-styled dude whom just needs to look cool.

Uhm, yeha. I dunno why I uploaded it, maybe because I wanted a proper “warning” picture which clearly shows of that I might also draw human-only picture from time to time?

AHHH FA doesn't show transparency on the thumbnails?! D'awwww. Now this looks bad :P

Edit. ahhhh this looks so nice on Weasyl ;W; I'm happy with this sites layout!

Edit2: THIS SITE SUPPORTS SPECIAL LETTERS. OMGAWESOME. é á ú I'll have them in my titles!! :<

Submission Information

Visual / Digital