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Zho'athi by xxBlazingEyezxx



Trait sheet for the Zho'anthi

Zho'athi are a closed species
Owners: xxBlazingEyezxx
Co-owner: Hedgie-Nebula

species sheet:

Do not make your own or make adoptables of this species. Do not trace, copy, or heavily reference this species.
xxBlazingEyezxx and Hedgie-Nebula are currently able to make and sell adoptables

These are a closed species, meaning you CAN NOT make your own, but Hedgie-Nebula and I will be making adopts. MYOs and customs are also open, and prices are below.

Can buy over on DA

MYO prices;
The base price for MYOs is 50 Points. It's an extra 5 Points per uncommon trait, and an extra 10 Points per rare trait. I can send you a base for the species if you ask, but you'll have to credit me in the description.

MYO rules;
-You must credit me, xxBlazingEyezxx and and Hedgie-Nebula as species owners.
-Do not resell. You may trade, but update me.
-Do whatever else you want with it.
-You can make them for someone else, but please inform me that it will be for someone else, so I can note that on the masterlist.

Custom prices;
The base price for Customs is 100 Points, with an extra 10 Points per uncommon trait: and an extra 15 Points per rare trait.

Custom rules;
-Credit the species, xxBlazingEyezxx and Hedgie-Nebula.
-You may resell, but not for a higher price than you got it for. If there is extra art, go ahead and calculate that into the price.
-You may add all the clothes/accessories you want.
-You may buy a custom for someone else, but please let me know it's for someone else so I can note that on the masterlist.
-You specify what colours you want, what traits you want, and anything else you'd like.
-You may make minor changes to the design, but please don't alter it beyond recognition.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital