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Doberman - Loki by Xisuthros

Doberman - Loki


[Copy/paste from Tumblr]

You guys remember a while back when the laptop needed to get some internal stuff fixed and I was left laptopless for a while? I picked up on drawing again and had kind of an idea to draw all of the Avengers plus Loki as dogs. Well, that idea in itself sort of evolved and I kind of made an idea for a fanfiction for it. It’s not being written yet, not until I finish Atonement.

Well, here is the first one and it’s more than obvious who it is. Yes, smiling and not scowling because 1) I want this Dogvengers fic to be light hearted and funny and 2) because it is an indirect sequel to Atonement so there really is no need for “I’m pissed off at the world, I will fucking kill you, Thor, you mortals are beneath me so kneel!” but I can’t say much more than that.

The main cast for that will be obviously the Avengers plus Loki here but it will focus heavily on Loki, Spider-Man and Deadpool (why not? I adore DP!).

Loki is a Doberman Pinscher, Spider-Man will be a Border Collie and Deadpool will be a Jack Russell Terrier. The rest is up on that list I set a link to.

Also, I know there’s the whole Lokitty thing so why not a cat? I personally prefer dogs over cats.

And another note is that I will draw them with collars and all collars will have little charms that have something to do with them. I didn’t go for the Tessaract nor the spear. I went with the trident he’s seen with in “Thor and Loki: Blood Brothers” because I like tridents. Simple.

This was first drawn with a pencil, mostly did it at work, outline and coloring was done in Paint Tool SAI. No music this time. Just watched Quarantine and Reservoir Dogs.

Loki (c) Marvel

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