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Tubby Tessa by WolfieStrangeLight

Tubby Tessa


Tessa spends a lot of time at the beach. Whenever it's lifeguard duty or just hanging out on the beach. She also loves to surf, a shark ate off a piece of her surfboard once. An ice cream parlor opened near the beach she was at. Tessa tries to keep fit so she can surf on the waves. She tried this new flavor the ice cream parlor had: carmel mixed with sea salt. It had a lot of calories which isn't something Tessa would usually eat. But one lick of that ice cream and she was in love with it. Well, not literally. Every day she would get a larger scoop of that ice cream. It was bliss when it entered her mouth.
A couple of months later, Tessa looked almost unrecognizable. Her tail was almost three times the size. Her large belly was almost perfectly pear shaped. She walked into her favorite ice cream parlor and ordered her favorite treat. She went outside and found a nice place to enjoy her ice cream on the beach. She looked at her belly and gave it a pat. It had been a couple of months when the ice cream parlor first opened. Every time she took a bite of the ice cream, she noticed that her belly began to push out a little and her feet slowly disappeared from her view. As she sat in the sand, reflecting on how much she had grown as a person, she rubbed her belly and smiled. Tessa loved how she looked.


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Visual / Digital