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Dark Forest by WisleyChalke

Dark Forest


I honestly don't know where to begin with the story behind this drawing. It was actually originally inspired by a frame from a random movie that I was watching on TV. I saw a person walking toward the camera with a forest scene behind them and I was really interested in how strongly shadows would play into the picture since so much of it would be pitch blank, full of unseen details. I liked the idea but when I tried to draw it, it originally didn't go so well and I quickly lost control of what I originally wanted the drawing to look like. I kind of gave up pretty quickly into it, and just started messing around as I tried to randomly outline where the shadows would go. As I went into the process of filling in the shadowy areas, I was sure this was already a lost cause, but by the time I was done with it, heck, I was actually really proud of how it came out. I guess if there's a lesson to take away from this story, it's to never give up on something and try to see it through to the end, you never know, you might surprise yourself. ;3

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Visual / Traditional