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A Fox and the Rabbit by wirez

A Fox and the Rabbit

A Fox and the Rabbit


A fox and a Rabbit
with the wolves in the valley below.
The Rabbit says to fox
"I think it's about time to go!"
Fox said to Rabbit
"Just wait, little bunny, just wait."
" The wind will be shifting soon,
little bunny, just wait."

Rabbit tapped his foot
his ears hearing monsters come.
Every part of him says
every part bunny run! Bunny run! Bunny run! bunny Run!

Fox said to Rabbit
"Little bunny, I'm here and I'm holding you.
"I'm right here and I'm holding you."

But Rabbit didn't hear,
and Rabbit had to run.

The Wolves saw him run
and they started to chase.

Fox said a prayer
Fox said " oh Hell!" and was on his way
the world blurring by to greet his fate.

Wolf had Rabbit
Wolf was set to bite
Fox came along
and he slammed into wolfes legs

Wolf wasn't happy
and set to Fox his scorn
Battle was heady
and Fox great wounds were borne
But Fox gave account
and Wolf gave away
Rabbit found a hole
and Fox had won the day.

"Bunny, my friend, is safe
though my life fades away.."

"Fox I'm here and I'm holding you"
"I'm right here and I'm holding you."

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Multimedia / Original Music