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Eden Reference by Weespah

Eden Reference


I drew my beautiful minkin bab and put her on the reference sheet to submit her to the group on DA so I can start rping and being a part of the fun! I'm so in love with this girl, I had a lot of fun drawing her and I'm so excited to have her! I didn't know I'd be good at drawing little miniature unicorn-deer but apparently it's easier than I thought!

Anyway, I really love this gal and am very excited to be a part of the group <3 her accessory is a string of shells and pearls with seaweed and kelp hanging from it. She loves the water and marine life, and is also very fascinated with the gods. She is especially interested in Crybaby and often will either follow him out of curiosity or even seek council with him. She's very, very shy and likes to remain isolated, and is easily frightened off. She only likes few minkin, but is a very sweet girl once you get to know her. She prefers to observe others rather than be a part of a group, however deep down she really does want friends and to find love.

As for her body type, she's one the low end of the minkin height spectrum. She's pretty small, short, and fairly stocky. She's not a very leggy individual; not all lean and graceful like some others. Basically, she's fun-sized pfft

Character and Art (c) Me
Minkin (c) Edelilah and SA1B0T
Design (c) Edelilah

Submission Information

Visual / Digital