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People Forget these Things... by Volt Siano

People Forget these Things...

Volt Siano

Whenever I deal with internet haters, no matter how much logic I use, no matter how direct I am, they still find a way to disregard my questions all together and treat us as if we were inhuman scum. And it's as if they forget that their words don't just go out into the internet and disappear; no, they get to where they were intended to go, to an actual human being with thoughts and feelings.
And yes, I did have one of those experiences recently. But, hey; I got a comic out of it.

Question of the week!
-How do you deal with internet haters? Do you debate with them using logic and facts? Do you ignore them? Or is there something else you do?

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch


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    Yeah, it's big. In case you didn't know, however, if you click the picture, it will take you to a page where the image is formated so that you can see the whole thing at once. Pretty neat, huh?

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    In my opinion, people who mindlessly direct hate like that are people who are looking to get a rise out of you. They're looking for the attention called to their actions and hatred. You can't reason with them, you can't use logic, and anything you say to them is just going to be more fodder for more haters. But such is the internet, and even the world in general.

    The nice thing is that most places on the internet have a lovely blocking function. I deal with hate on my tumblr sometimes, or people trying to be trolls, or whatever. As soon as I read what they've said and determine that they are coming from a place of hatred and trolling instead of a place of ignorance as sometimes tends to happen, I simply block them. Because I know anything I say to them will not change their minds, answering their hate openly and publicly won't do any good, and once they are coming from that sort of place it is not worth wasting time or energy on them.

    Haters going to hate, as they say. And once they're hating on you instead of just being ignorant or trying to offer constructive criticism, they're not worth paying attention to any further.

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      Yeah; I still try, for better or for worse. I figure it's worth a shot, if nothing else. I mean, it's not like them dishing out more hate is going to affect or change anybody's mind to think, "Oh, this guy's right; the such-and-such people group is really stupid." Maybe I'm just stubborn, but I like to see what I can do to get them thinking beyond the stereotypes. However, there is a point at which I stop, a point at which I grow weary of their senseless babblings. And at this point I finally recognize that there's nothing much else I can do.

      Anyways, on a happier note: thanks for leaving a comment! It's really nice to see that people have gotten involved in my work, or that they can relate to it themselves.

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        I think there was a point where I did try, but I've passed that. Between my personal experiences and other people who get hate talking about it with similar lights, it's just one of those things that I've learned to accept with time.

        And you're welcome. It's nice to see some relatable work about getting hate on the internet, it's not a thing a lot of people talk about let alone invite open conversation about the subject, so it's a nice change.

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    Ignore, paws down... i feel, even if i managed to "convert" people like that, i wouldn't really want to have them around me anyway.

    And people like that are usually not looking for an explanation, and don't really care for one, just for someone to pick on (for whatever traumatic reason they find in their childhood)

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    Ignore them

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      I'm too argumentative to simply ignore them. =p

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      Er mer gersh.
      What's so "omg" about it?

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        what people do in the internet.

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    innernet is srs bsns