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Forfeit_Taciturn by VoidChimera




"Hey, can you help... Dude, are you ok?"

"Sure, sure, what is it?"

"But you...."

"Hehe! Do you need something?"

The image came to me with a conversation, I was speaking with a classmate while I felt terrible. I just kept speaking completely normal, while my classmate kept looking at me, almost as if I had an axe stuck in my head.

These "Forfeit" pictures are mostly rants, I want to express in some way how I feel over different aspects of myself, I'll explain them further in a future journal I guess. I hope nobody gets offended by these kind of pictures, but I upload them because I want to express these aspects, not to get pity.

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    I'm afraid no matter how hard I try I can't be offended with this picture. But maybe if you could explain it to me I could get angry about it? That is, if you have the time. ;)

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      Oh, it's only that these pictures are pretty.... visceral, and some people think that they're a scream for help while they are more like some sort of "snapshot" of some stagnant thoughts in my head. They don't usually offend anyone (most people like them actually), but since they usually depict bitter concepts you can never be sure, my intention is never to make someone feel bad, yet... if it ever does, I'll apologize profusely.

      In the end, drawing these pictures are a way to understand myself and realize what's behind these thoughts: it's a way to meditate (if you could use that word in this case) for me, vent art sure is a great way to think.

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        Some people can't distinguish things inside them from things they look at. So they see certain pictures with unpleasant concepts and they feel like it is invading or controlling them in some way. You could say they are missing that inner sandbox, where anything is possible and nothing is hurtful. Normally a person gradually learns to take a step back and consider things impartially, and this reduces interference. But many people haven't gotten there and they can fall under the hypnosis of their inner demons. It is not your fault, but they have lessons they must learn and without this experience they will not learn them. You cannot do anything about it; they will see demons everywhere they look. Personally, the picture wasn't visceral for me but I understood when I read your description. My first thought was that I was looking at a drug dealer or someone who just committed a crime, so I was not about to empathize.

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          I must agree with you completely on this, it's true that some people will see the worst wherever they look, I guess it's almost with like ink blotches... They see what their minds want to see, or need to see. Still, I wish they didn't have that kind of reaction, yet I can't do much to avoid it, just ask them to be careful while looking at it. I guess it's also a fear from my own side, since these pictures are more personal I guess that I'm scared of what someone may think about it.

          Haha, did it look like that for you? Then I should keep working on how I convey ideas, yet I'm glad I could get some of the ambiguity that I was looking for.

          Thanks a lot for your well thought comment and kind demeanor.