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One Last Mouth Drawing by Virmir

One Last Mouth Drawing


Haven't had the need to draw with my mouth for over four months now, so was going to disassemble the designated mouth drawing station for the sake of tidiness. Figured I would get one last mouth drawing in! I'll probably still do this occasionally because it freaks people out and that amuses me.

Designated mouth drawing setup:

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Visual / Digital


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    you hang in there and i hope things will get a lot better for you !

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      I've pretty much figured out how to draw without aggravating them, so that's the important part, ha ha

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        that is good i hope it works out for the best ^^

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    An X61 Tablet? Neat choice!

    I actually own one myself, and it works surprisingly well for what it is.

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      Very dependable thing that has served me for years. It's actually my backup tablet nowadays as it's just a bit too underpowered to run a few things (hence its status as my designated mouth drawing tablet). I finally upgraded to an x230 less than a year ago, but the screen is pretty terrible for drawing so eventually moved over to a cintiq 13hd which is quite nice. The x61 is still for traveling, though!

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        Couldn't agree more about the X230 being a pain for drawing. They were just never the same after they went widescreen.

        The X61 may be the last of its kind, gasping for breath in this day and age, but that never stopped it from earning the nickname "poor man's Cintiq" within my group of friends. I had refurbished a handful of them for use as dedicated drawing tablets not long ago, and they seem to be pretty happy with them. Installing an SSD and enabling SATA II drive speeds give it a noticeable bump in performance but it only helps so much. Anything heavily processor intensive, such as Photoshop, is just too much for the poor thing. At least SAI runs pretty well on it.

        How does the Cintiq compare? Never had a chance to play with a 13HD.

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          It's quite nice! Screen resolution is 1920x 1080 which is plenty big and pen is spot on vs. the x61 which would get a little off near the edges, but was still very good and the x230 which was significantly worse near the edges. Paired with the x230 as it is now, it is a significant upgrade from the x61.