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Vivi-An Echidna and Freedom Fennec - in color by VioletWhirlwind

Vivi-An Echidna and Freedom Fennec - in color


Mild blood...but I don't think it's enough to warrant a mature tag...I can add it if someone thinks it's neccesary, though.

Vivi-An, my one echidna character, and her grumpy friend Freedom Fennec.

Freedom believes that her entire existence is a cruel joke played on her by fate. She sees her name as a cruel joke from her parents, since in almost all the RP's she's been in, she's been born a slave. (this isn't really true...her parents named her that in hopes that she would someday find freedom, but it's the way she sees it.) She's surly and bitter and cynical and sees the glass as half empty. (Recently, I think I kinda know how she feels...>.> cough) She's REALLY short...I figure about 2 1/2 feet...since Sonic is about 3 feet tall...and 'Dom is shorter than that.

Vivi-An is the opposite. Even though she is also a slave, she's always optomistic, sometimes to the point of annoying-ness, at least from 'Dom's point of view. And she has for some reason decided to be Freedom's friend...despite the surly fennec's best attempts to drive her off. She's kinda the 'unwanted-yet-endearing-tag-along' type of character.

I am aware of the anatomy fails, please don't point them out.

Vivi-An Echidna and Freedom Fennec (c) Violet Whirlwind Productions

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Visual / Traditional