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Aurumo - Fortess Burst WIP clip by VinVulpis

Aurumo - Fortess Burst WIP clip


Since I have a really good gif recorder now, figure I can easiler post more clips here in this form instead of doing the conversion dance with programs.

Figured I'd share this lil clip of a new WIP attack for Aurumo. "Fortress Burst," which is the explody lookin attack in this clip. The rest is me experimenting with combo applications for the attack concept.

The attack has the same command as Gejhi's "Dark Force," A1+A2, and all characters are going to get some tool kinda like this. Aurumo's attack here has an armored start-up. He'll still take some damage when hit during it, but can't be flinched out until after the burst.

Like Gejhi's Dark Force, this attack cost 1/4 super meter to do. It has more untility as it will force targets into a hard knock down launch, but once of Aurumo's weaknesses is that he don't build super meter as efficiantly. My idea is that he's gonna be dangerous if he has been stocking up.

I'm also thinking that I'm gonna apply both a fire and ice attribute to this, so it will force-equalize his heat meter.

I'm possibly gonna give him a BIG version of this attack for his "ultra" attack, which is actually is better at filling, because of his better defenses. Bigger explotion, ice spikes to his sides and some fire/ice projectiles arcing to the sides in a semi-random manor.

I might make it so that you can choose to hold the attack in the armored pose for longer and make it explode on release as a counter attack, or to just tank out a foe's super attack, as this one WILL tank super attacks, unlike his lesser armored attacks.

I'm gonna drop a new update for Aurumo's WIP on my patreon in a couple days or so.

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    That looks like a fun game time :3