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Re-Animator vs the Wolfman by Viergacht

Re-Animator vs the Wolfman


Another Werewolf Wednesday picture - this time an imaginary VHS cover, partly painting, partly photo-manip.

The sequel to Re-Animator was Bride of Re-Animator as an homage to the Frankenstein movies, and originally the threequel was going to be House of Re-Animator (with the house in question being the White House), but that never got made and the third one ended up being Beyond Re-Animator, breaking the theme*.

If the series had gone on in a more timely manner and followed the theme, we might have gotten Son of Re-Animator, I Was a Teenage Re-Animator, Re-Animator Conquers the World, The Curse of Re-Animator, Lady Re-Animator, Andy Warhols Re-Animator, Jesse James Meets the Re-Animators Daughter and of course Re-Animator vs the Wolfman.

Who knows?

Actually started this for a themed WWW a while back, but wasn't able to finish it. I don't know what the problem was, its just a simple painting with two figures and little detail, but it was just incredibly frustrating.I couldn't get the composition to where I liked it, I cut off the wolfs hand and entirely redid it, etc., etc. It was a slog. It didn't start looking decent until I hit upon the idea of making it a fake VHS box. Now I'm happier with it.

* it was also a steaming pile, but thats another rant

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Visual / Digital


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    Aaaaah, this is so amazingly well-done, and the credits at the bottom <3<3<3

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      LOL I wonder if anyone reads that.

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    Sigh.. if only