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POKEDDEXY Day 31 – All-Time Favorite by VibrantEchoes

POKEDDEXY Day 31 – All-Time Favorite


Another DS collab. She did the original sketch, and I did the rest.

I doubt anyone's surprised by this unless they're a REALLY new watcher. I could go on a giant rant about why Sableye is my absolute and undisputed favorite. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

First off, it's both of my top favorite types (Dragon being a close third favorite). The design is a perfect combination of both creepy and adorable, depending on however you want to stylize it. It's partly based on an imp, one of my most favorite things that's relatively uncommon. It's small enough that if one existed I could pick it up and hold it and hug it. I suppose I can't use the “no weaknesses” thing anymore, but it still only has one NATURAL weakness (I know it can have other weakness under certain circumstances so please do not try to school me on shit that I'm already aware of thanks). It's behavior is hilarious, adorable and creepy all at the same time. If you haven't seen the animations for it on Pokemon Battle Revolution, you need to.

Sableye does, like all Pokemon, have a couple of flaws, though. It's stats sadly make it virtually unusable in battle, even in-game (Don't try to tell me otherwise pls people do that all the time and clearly they don't know their shit like I do). It's BEGGING for either a prevolution, an evolution, or at the very least a mega evolution. And to be honest, I don't like the short legs and duck feet it has in the official art style, but then, there are PLENTY of Pokemon I think look way worse in the official style.

What I do like about Sableye, though, I like more than any other Pokemon. And ironically, it didn't used to be that way. Before I saw other artists' interpretations of Sableye (mainly TamarinFrog), as well as knowing more about it, I actually used to dislike Sableye. And that is a very weird thing to think about.

Sableye © Gamefreak

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