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ad noctvm music test by vibgyorc6 (critique requested)

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ad noctvm music test (critique requested)


test song for my horror game 'ad noctvm'. just trying to get a feel for the style i'm going for. not particularly pleased with this one. i'm definitely gonna make more. i'm basically going for dark ambient with orchestral instruments. not orchestral music, but rather using the instruments as a means to achieve ambience. i would really appreciate some critique, as i'm trying to aim for perfection with this ambitious project.

inb4 less reverb
(i cant believe i just said that)

Submission Information

Multimedia / Original Music


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    Admittedly, I can't really give you much in the way of critique, since I don't really have much experience in music production, but I really like how it sounds. It sounds great.

    Also, you're making a horror game? What's the premise? I'm just curious because I do love me some horror games.

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      yep, i'm making a horror game. :3 the best way i can describe it currently is if amnesia and thief had a horrible eldritch baby. it's gonna be very lovecraftian and will rely on the eerie atmosphere to scare the player. it will also be more heavy on stealth, as levels will be less linear and enemies will be patrolling it, much like thief. there will also be a sanity system and i recently decided to include combat, but it will be heavy and difficult to use and will also affect stealth. that's the basic premise. i haven't worked out the story yet, but it will be very heavily lovecraft inspired. development is still very early and going slow as i'm lazy and, aside from my friend who's helping me out with the sound design, i'm the only person working on it.

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        Sorry for the late reply.

        Just wanted to say, I'm liking all of this.