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Expression Change Tie Down - WIP by Vet (critique requested)

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Expression Change Tie Down - WIP (critique requested)


The tie downs of those roughs! I took out the arm movement because I was too lazy to animate hands. Although my instructor went in depth in teaching me how to draw hands in a fast and efficient way today along with many other tips I'll implement into this animation this weekend!

Hope it's not too bad guys. Feel free to critique me and tell me what I can improve on!

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    This is so neat ^^ Poor guy I wants to huggle him

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      Aw haha, yeah, he seems pretty defeated, or miserable! Poor guy, I bet that comment will cheer him up!

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    His lower body sort of shifts to the left between the expressions, where is he standing? I think the latter expression transition starts a little too suddenly after the head pop, or perhaps needs a bit of overshoot + easing at the end. (Another thing that's helpful is to add a second of just the final drawing so it's easier to process the action for critique.)

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      Awesome, yeah, you caught on to what my teacher had told me! I knew his body was shifting around when I animated it, but because class was going to happen an hour after, I said "fuck it", and decided not to change it.

      You also picked up on the sudden jump of his head after it goes back down from the initial startle. Very acute of you, yeah, again my teacher had pointed that out and said I should clean the arc up to make it flow in a circle in perspective, then ease it into a horizontal curve near the end if that makes sense.

      But, he told me for some reason, against the principles, the rough seemed to make that pop work because it had an almost ball bounce quality to it for some reason that didn't translate in the tie down, which I totally agree with.

      A few other things I was told to improve on was to make the shoulders go down instead of hunching when he becomes startled and stretches up. In the rough he felt as if it was justified because of the opposing force of the arms pulling up to carry the momentum of the hunched shoulders. He also told me to keep the nose graphic and cheat it in the extreme stretch even though I drew it correctly in that frame to keep the flow of the silhouette of the nose consistent and uniform.

      Overall he loved the hunched pose in the beginning and said I had a lot of appeal, acting, and strong posing overall, but I should go over and clean up little things here and there. He also went over what I can do to draw hands with more ease since I draw them from the skeletal structure first, which consequently leads to really fucked up amounts of work instead of streamlining it to mittens or circle + fingers.

      I know this comment is lengthy, but I feel you would possibly be able to learn from my mistakes too using the input of a guy who's worked for Don Bluth!