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Witch Achlys by Veesha

Witch Achlys


Finally got my witch form done.

Witch Achlys is the witch of sorrow; her minions represent the different stages that I went through when my depression first began to develop.

I took the name Achlys from Greek mythology, in which Achlys was the spirit of eternal misery.
She hides her face with her hood, similar to how I attempted to hide my depression at first. The empty cloak symbolizes how empty I felt for a long time, except when I was about to start crying—Then it felt like there was water trying to burst out of my chest. The marks on her left wrist in the second picture represent self-harm scars.

The Soprano(Denial): The Soprano refuses to admit that there is a noose around her neck. She continues to behave as if nothing is wrong, until the noose tightens and kills her right before the climax of her solo.

The Masquerade(Shame): The Masquerade’s job is to feign happiness. It pretends to enjoy showing visitors around the witch’s labyrinth. From the front, it appears to be ecstatically happy, but when viewed from behind its true emotions show.

The Merchant(Surrender): Ordinary people can’t leave the witch’s labyrinth alive. The Merchant offers them tools for escape so they may leave peacefully.

Kind of overly dramatic, but I think it’s pretty close to my mental landscape most of the time.

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Visual / Digital