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Equinox by van-weasel



Poster edit commission for pazuzu pazuzu

Here's what the original looks like:

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Visual / Digital


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    To whom it may concern,

    I am a Mother from the Families Against Religious Travesty and I in my station as head of my chapter, hereby inform you that we shall be protesting this vile and wicked "movie" so long as it plays at the Piccadilly 8 Theater.
    My GOD-Fearing son and his friends seemed to had slipped into your showing of this "movie", instead of "The Aristocats" from Disney (Though upon further inspection you have no-doubt received our letters on the relationship between the talking-animals in this picture, and also the unwed cat mother with kittens within, I have attached a copy of that letter as well.)
    He and his friends saw your showing of this disgusting films and upon his return I have to say he is not the same Christian Child I once prayed besides each Saturday/Sunday/Wednesday and alternating weekdays.
    He has gained unnatural tastes, as reports the other mothers of my chapter. I found his doodling on the hymnal edges of beasts that must be visions of the D-E-V-I-L himself! Ape monsters with demonic faces! Snarling and drooling things that he will not stop obsessing over! Giants and supernatural cults that we know absorb souls of the young through flashy stories and things that excite the imagination! To allow this movie to show is to lead more children away from the loving arms of the Church and into the hairy, hard, chiseled chest of Satan!
    I also believe it is on your head that he could be committing wanton self-abusing acts to himself in privacy (I heard his Hoots) due to your heinous decision to allow this movie to be shown, and thus warp his fragile developing psyche!
    So we shall be appearing this week, standing firm in our righteous hatred for this abomination, and boycotting all other movies at your establishment therein!

    Bless you,
    -Betty Cratchet

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      Aaaahahaha this is so good.

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    This is effing awesome! I love these posters!

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      Thanks! They're super fun to make too!