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Test Your Might by Vamplust

Test Your Might


Test your might

I've been on a mortal kombat jump.

Name: Necro (aka Anthony Blackmore)

Info: In this new age world of anthropomorphic characters and beings, Caligula, Hitler and Bin Laden cannot compare to the cold blooded and heartless Anthony Blackmore. His life was a sad story of hardship, poverty and turmoil, too long to be discussed now, but all it leads to is this broken soul with ambitions in wiping out all mankind. Now, the world’s powers have come together to track this man down and eliminate him before anymore harm is done, avidly named Code: Necro, Anthony adopted this new nickname for his own. His fighting style can be classified as militarized close quarter combat, though it is mixed of other fighting styles he had learned over the years. He may not look it but he posses great strength, able to subdue his opponent quiet easily no matter how big they are and he; however, he really relies on his agility and speed.


Chaos Disburse (a black colored beam of pure dark aura that is released from the palm of Anthony’s hand, this is also one of his lighter attacks.)
Darkness Falls (with a powerful uppercut Anthony sends the opponent into the air, unleashing a devastating combo of kicks and punches while in mid air before slamming the opponent back down to the ground causing a crater.)
Macabre Assault Nightmare (one of Anthony’s most deadly and heinous attack, targets are advised not to get too close as blood spattered and rust covers chains with hooks attached to the ends and barbed wires rip from his body and surround him like eels slithering in the air so rapidly anyone close by would be torn to shreds.)
Obliterate (a fatal onslaught of punches and kicks followed by a devastating jab in which Anthony’s fist is consumed by a shadowy energy.)


God’s Wrath (Anthony balls his hands together and dropping his arms down on his opponent like a hammer, knocking them to the ground suddenly a high powered beam comes raining down on both he and the enemy with biblical proportions.)
Extinction (The opponent is overwhelmed by a barrage of dark orbs hitting him from every direction until reaching an explosive crescendo on a wide range scale.)

Finishing Move: The End (don’t get caught up in this attack. You won’t like it…)

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch