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[Beastly Zodiac Calender 2015] Leo by Ulario

[Beastly Zodiac Calender 2015] Leo


Leo the Lion
July 23rd to August 23rd

Ruling Planet: The Sun
Colors: Yellow, Gold, Orange
Element: Fire
Traits: Purity, Optimistic

Leos tend to be lovers of limelight, confident individuals who are the most extroverted and flamboyant of the personalities of astrology signs. These people can be very magnetic, sunny, and charismatic, who like to be recognized. You either admire them or think they’re the most conceited and egotistical of the personalities of astrology signs. They are warm, caring and also giving to others, but like to be appreciated for their efforts.

Leo rules our sense of self-worth. What happened in their early to mid-teenage lives can set the tone for life. If they were bullied at a younger age, they may tend to be cruel, overbearing and bullies themselves. This type of negative upbringing fosters an individual that is domineering, bossy, and stubborn. Not only that, they will believe they are right and all others just don’t get it.

But, if these flamboyant personalities of astrology signs were encouraged to shine, they could develop into honorable, flamboyant leaders with a sense of community and loving faith in those around them.

Leos have been known to over dramatization and act vainly when they express themselves. They like to shine in all social situations, and will even try to dominate them. If any of the personalities of astrology signs needs attention, it would be a Leo. If they feel unnoticed they could suffer.

If a Leo feels slighted or criticized don’t be surprised if they won’t forgive you. As with their namesake, they must tone down their pride to develop a strong sense of character.

If a Leo can learn to live from within rather than through the ego, they could achieve greatness of the soul and be powerful holistic healers. In the undeveloped man, it’s their own greatness they seek and have been known to flaunt. As they develop spiritually they use their natural leadership abilities to bring out the best and greatness in others.

If your partner is a Leo, they will want to be the dominant partner who will shower you with love if you show your appreciation and give them lots of attention. Don’t try to win an argument with them, because you probably will loose unless you’re an Aries or another Leo.

Characters belongs to Zervon
Image © Traci Vermeesch

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