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A Sea Darkly by Uberwulf

A Sea Darkly


Captain Jenet Darklowe is known by many names, some of them unflattering, most of them showing at least some respect for her talents and shrewdness. Owner of one of the few airships in the world, the Black Diamond 3.5, the perpetually angry long-eared rat spent a long tenure in TRIumph capture before escaping and finding the Raiders at the best of her savior. Once her dad’s sunken ship was recovered and restored, she used her knowledge of the seas and cartography to help the Raiders. Her career started her as a ranged marksman, but at the loss of her right eye started to research again the magic latent in her family. Such research came hard to her thanks to her naturally horrid luck when it comes to magic— she’s her dad’s angering Lady Luck for that.

Unfortunately, for all her badassery, she has some major faults— namely, she’s hard to get along with and has occasional issues with her self-worth which makes her act irrationally against perceived threats. A couple of her most infamous moments are her threats to use a kill-sat against a country because one of its leaders was keeping her away from her girlfriend, and shooting her teammate in the head with a concussive blast from an energy weapon for disobeying her orders and nearly getting the team she lead killed.

It’s her girlfriend (now wife) that helped ground her, making her a much more stable person now than she had ever been in the past. However, despite her adopted family and legit transport business “A Sea Darkly” (read as: front), she’s still a ill-tempered, foul-mouthed pirate of a sorceress with plenty of booze and bullets to bury you.

Her ears are actually supposed to have tears and rings, and she’s not wearing her patch (there should be straps, at least), but I got so excited at being able to sketch anthro at all— something I’m really bad at— that I didn’t bother with them. also i noticed that her ears are apparently on one side of her head/hair’s not in the middle of her ears. Oh well, I’ll do better next time.

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