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Tryna hittin' the beach by Tryna

Tryna hittin' the beach


Tryna tends to spend a little too much time on Kemo's beach...

and yeh I know it's technically winter elsewhere but I live in Florida where we don't have such things

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    Ooh, is that the kani dog head? Is there a guide to getting it to work with rigged mesh hair? Nice picture! n.n

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      Thanks! It's actually the Paws - Ferret head, though~ You can find it at the Chimera store. and whenever you have a problem with rigged mesh hair, you'll really just need to edit your shape and play around with your actual head's shape. Increasing the size of it will make the hair generally larger and then, of course, you would have to play with the settings for your eyes so they line up with whatever head you're using and maybe even have to move it some to help line them up. You should be able to get it, considering you work with rigged mesh! x3 I could help you, though, if you'd like and maybe you could help me with rigging mesh! ;w;

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        Yeah, I know how that is - some heads simply don't work, though, because they're too wide (KZK fox ;-;) - so I'm always on the lookout for canine-type heads that work with mesh hair. I'll make a trip to Chimera :) As for rigging mesh, I'm happy to help you figure it out!