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Waiting for Peace by Tropicake

Waiting for Peace


A song I came up with a couple days ago. I wasn't quite sure what to name the song, so I came up with one last minute. It's entirely instrumental. I used a VST for the Vibraphone, Cello, and violin. I played the bass in the song. Anyways, I'm terrible at drums so if they are off I apologize. Please Let me know what you think, either comment, or message me. I take criticism very well, if you tell me what you like or dislike, I'll take it into consideration and work on fixing my mistakes and flaws for my next piece.

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Multimedia / Original Music


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    I really love this! My only critique would be that the volume is a bit inconsistent, I love a song with a quiet or slow start, but for this it fades in and out with whenever your violin isn't playing, and although I almost like the back and forth "motion" that creates in the music it would be nice to have a bit more equalizing in it, maybe bring up the bass quitar a bit more when it is on it's own with the drums :)

    • Link

      Thank you for your feedback. I've got this saved in my computer, so after the holidays when I manage to get some time. I'll amp up the volume a little and work on the equalization. Thank you for pointing these things out! You've been very helpful!

      • Link

        No problem, glad to help out! I look forward to hearing the new version if you do end up editing it~ !