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[PROFILE] Samuel by Tossu-sama

[PROFILE] Samuel


(c) Tossu-sama 2013
All rights reserved.


Here's Samuel, a half-Lycan half-human... person.
Ah screw this, I'll just copypaste the description.

He's a half Lycan, half human hybrid. His father was, well IS, a full-blown Lycan. They are large, mostly bipedal wolf monsters capable of speech and are very much immortal.
Sammy's mother died in childbirth and Sammy himself ended up being a sideshow freak in a circus for the first 30 or so years of his life.
That all happened in the 1800s because Sam is also immortal in a way and doesn't age physically anymore... The only way to kill him is to rip his heart out or tear his head off which is quite difficult considering his accelerated healing rate and all that jazz...

But Samuel is actually a model, a bit alternative one.
He does sexy stuff so that you know what to expect of him.

Useless trivia:
• Samuel doesn't wear shoes on daily basis. He never got used to them and with toenails that are more like claws they'd be a huge pain in the ass for him.
• He's also pretty reluctant to wear shirts, too... Pretty much the same reason as above.
• Sammy speaks in a VERY broad Irish/Scottish accent and it's sometimes hard to understand what he's trying to say.
• He's very shy despite of being interested in people and wanting to get to know them. He's just afraid his appearance will scare them away.
• Sammy is submissive, top or bottom. Someone else has to take the lead.

He's one of my fave OCs but not finished enough to get a character profile here.
He's more like something I draw for my own pleasure.

But the modeling thing kinda got expanded and Sammy has some co-workers as well. c:

0.05 & 0.1 Pigma Micron
GIMP 2.6

Art & character (c) Tossu-sama

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