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Jason Shadow-Walker Grayscale 2016 by Torakhan

Jason Shadow-Walker Grayscale 2016


This will likely be the reference I give to Ryan Macklin for my Katanas & Trenchcoats character to be drawn in the book by the artist he has lined up :).
Toned WAY down from the final version I played back in the late 90s, this is Jason Shadow-Walker, the magic-using weretiger, complete with katanas, long hair, sleeveless trenchcoat, arm-bands, fingerless gloves and so on. In this form, he's a weretiger with magic.
Originally a character I played in a friend's White Wolf Classic World of Darkness Mage: The Ascension 1st Edition game starting in 1994, Jason Shadow-Walker was a fantastic twink-munchkin who in the end was:
• A Mage (who in the end had nearly maxed out his spheres and had a very high Arete rating)
• A wereitger (with many Gifts of many levels)
• An assortment of over-powered energy weapons
• A cyber-jack in his neck
• A fetish laptop that had the spirit of his girlfriend inside of it
• A power armor suit that was dedicated to him (eventually.)
• A space ship that he used to fly around another glaxy
• Was the king of a nation in a realm of D&D
• The trapped spirit of the weretiger in his mind that fought for control of the body from time to time.
... and a lot more that was just plain ridiculous.
I played him for many years, and I know that he's entirely not Kosher according to canon rules/setting (he started as a Mage, but due to a severe botch from another Correspondence roll with a weretiger, the two merged into one body and the two minds fought for control and the Mage won and assumed the weretiger's mind had been lost, but discovered many years later that it had only been forced deep into his mind and eventually returned and thus how he was able to retain his Avatar and weretiger powers laugh), and he was over-powered and a bit silly, but you know, sometimes it's just fun to play something over-the-top without a ceiling and see how far the game can go while folks still have fun.

Copic pens and sketch markers.

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