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Growth Rings by Tonin

Growth Rings

Growth Rings

When I was a leopard, I knew how to love
To laugh and to dance and to cry
When I was a leopard, I knew how to live
Without ever wondering why

When I was a wolf, I learned how to think
To question all that I had known
When I was a wolf, I learned how to hate
And reap what my anger had sown

Now as a rabbit, I try to transcend
To see in all things their true wealth
Now as a rabbit, I try to forgive
First others, and later myself

And when one day I am leopard again
I'll know how to laugh and to cry
I'll know how to love and to hate and forgive
And know that there's no reason why

--Tonin, May 15, 2015

Growth Rings


It's true, there is no reason why. Humans are meat-computers running the most-patched and buggiest legacy software ever developed. We're trapped in a sea of subjectivity, and all you can really do is try to embrace it.

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Literary / Poetry / Lyrics


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    Is there truly no reason why, or have you (or we as a species) not stumbled across it yet?

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      And that's the 64-dollar question, isn't it?

      Sometimes I'm not sure what I think. It's very easy to read meaning into things, and it often feels good to do so, but I've yet to find any that holds up well if you stop to really question it.