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Gideon Litchfield by Toastie

Gideon Litchfield


Gideon's old character sheet for Fine-Primo on DeviantART. I still kind of like the art.
I forget what his sheet information says, so, just kind of ignore it, it's probably all out of date anyway. XD;;;

Alias: Gideon Elias Litchfield
Age/Height: 23 / 5'8"
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Personality: Cheerful, Flirty, Playful, Quick, Hypersexual
Intended Team to Join: Gossip
Occupation: Prostitute
Hobbies: Gideon loves to sing. Music one of his favorite things. Also, he really loves television, he's like the living Internet Movie Data Base ( He enjoys clubbing and dancing the night away. He drinks, but not enough to get completely shit-faced, he doesn't find that attractive in the least. He also is a very talented female impersonator, what with his thin build and feminine appearance, it's not too difficult for him to pull off. He is an avid collector of all types of clothing, male, female, and everything in between and then some. He's also got a vast collection of wigs and make up of all kinds. His apartment is a jungle of clothing and wigs. BEWARE!
Quirks: Gideon is freakishly obsessed with his skin. It has to be perfect. He is virtually hairless, save for the hair on his head, which is obsessively fussed over as well. He lotions himself up several times daily and waxes... a lot. His skin is blemish and scar-free. If he's wounded in any way, he'll pretty much have a mini break down and hide away from anyone and everyone until he thinks he looks presentable again. He thinks that his looks are the only thing he has going for him, so he's very obsessive... and if anything happens to his skin, he'll think he looks ugly and hide himself away. When he is wounded, he takes very, very good care of the wound so it won't scar, using any and every lotion and ointment and cream he can find to make sure he won't scar. He also has a habit of mimicking commercials and other things on the television, which is how Gideon ends up being rather gifted with his voice, he can mimic almost any accent, at least those he's heard and exposed himself to, and he can change his voice, making him sound like a completely different person. Gideon also has Satyriasis, or hypsersexuality in men. All the cute guys better run and hide~ Gideon also can't read or write very well. He never got to go to school, so he's probably got the reading level of a child in elementary school. And when he writes he tends to try and write the words phonetically, how he'd think they were written by how they sounded.
Likes: Sex, Men, Singing, Animals, Television, Clubbing, Dancing, Being With Friends, Drugs and Alcohol...
Dislikes: Many, Many things. Spiders, Bugs of any kind really, Dirty Laundry, Fake People, Creepy People, Snakes, Vagina (boobs are kind of entertaining though), His home town...
Background: Gideon was born into an extremely unhealthy environment. His mother was a prostitute, he never knew his father seeing as he was just another one of his mother's clients. All he knows is that his father is probably black, seeing as his mother is white as can be trailer trash and he's is dark-skinned. She didn't take care of herself while she was pregnant with him, which left him with an ingrained addiction to cocaine, which was her drug of choice. He was a sickly baby, and she was a very neglectful mother, most of the time in a drunken or drugged-out stupor, leaving Gideon in the care of the other girls. Is was one of those situations where she didn't want him, she didn't want to take care of him, but she also didn't want anyone else to have him either, because he belonged to her. So Gideon grew up in this place, mostly having to try and take care of himself and more often than not, his mother, despite the fact she never gave that kindness to him. He was exposed to sex at a very young age, as his mother didn't care whether or not Gideon saw her 'entertaining' her clients.
Time went on and Gideon was turning out to be a rather attractive child, which caught the eye of Gideon's mother's pimp. He was about eight years old when he was sold to the highest bidder and he's been doing what he knows best ever since. He finally ran away from home at 16 after a rather traumatizing episode in the 'workplace' and never turned back. He managed to find his way to where he is now. He turned tricks to get money and found himself an apartment, where he met his best friend Reggie and was sort of adopted into the small family of Reggie and his mother. Then he joined Saint Corps at 21. Where he met Diedrich, who he's happily in a relationship with to this very day.
AT LEAST he has somewhat of a happy ending!
He says it doesn't really bother him, what happened to him, because he can't exactly miss what he never had. And if it didn't happen, he never would have met the love of his life.


Reggie © Brittums @ DA
Diedrich © Deericious @ DA
Artwork & Gideon © Me, Erica A. Walker, 2010

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Visual / Digital