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Demon Nyte by The-Zombie-Cat

Demon Nyte


blood demon :)

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Visual / Digital



  • Link

    Omg hun she is an absolutely glorious creature! Absolutely adore her outfit and I imagine Kil’Sha’s jaw hit the floor hard enough to cause a localised earthquake! ;) She is stunning and I love the hint of her thighs there, very sensual! Gabriel has also swallowed rather hard, which for him is akin to tearing off his clothes and yelling ‘my body is ready!’
    Lol I’m being scolded now for being exceedingly crass. I love it hun xx

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      Aw thank you Hun! I've completely unwittingly caused a whole drama show on Twitter over this when I posted it so idk if I will draw the outfit again.. but in my head at least this is what she's wearing while looking over eighth ^^;
      Kilsha certainly isn't opposed :) but surprisingly he says he prefers her more regal vampyric dresses lol
      Lol omg the dear XD I love him I'm glad he approves :) (and nyte is very glad as well and had a very delighted grin about your translation there lol)

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        What? Why hun? What’re they saying?
        I guess that’s what he’s more accustomed to seeing her in and it just meal more familiar to him.
        I’m glad you’re glad lol (lol Gabriel’s still not overly pleased with me, but he’s glad the response was positive :D xx)

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        I just had a quick nose on your Twitter, what idiots. Like that commenter said ‘as if two designers (at least) have never thought up two similar designs!’ Pillocks just like to stir things up for people who’re more popular than they are.

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          oh it was jsut so wild and I've been trying to tell everyone like.. i didnt even design the outfit in question here. I bought the adopt cause I liked the design but I didnt create it so idk why im getting accused of stealing it's jsut so stress inducing.. luckily it seems like the majority of people understand where im coming from and seem to be on my side but it's still been incredibly stressful, especially after all my own past issues with thievery and copying happening to me so im always/i try to be more hyper aware if im getting too close to anyone else's designs :/

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            I’m so sorry hun, I know how stressful and awful that side of things was, I’m so sorry you had to go through that yet again :(
            I’m guessing the person you bought the adopt from isn’t stepping forward into the fray to defend you :( I’m really glad the more sensible people understand and can see that even if it does look like a similar outfit, that it is possible to have the same design twice. I’m sorry hun, people are dicks

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              the artist in question did try to clear the air a bit but I'm not entirely sure what was said there :/ idk either way im jsut glad it seems to have blown over now

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                I’m glad it’s over too sweetheart big tight huggles I hate drama xx