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Nyte Outfits by The-Zombie-Cat

Nyte Outfits


Nyte was voted next :)

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  • Link

    Aww sweetheart, she is as beautiful as ever. Picture of elegance in every outfit :) I adore her blouse and trouser combo :)
    Bit out of nowhere, but would she be attracted to Raziya? She is very taken by her. I have a thought that Kil’Sha could save Nyte from Raziya’s toxicity, but I don’t know if that’s even feasible.

    • Link

      Thank you sweety! Oh yeah her 'dressing down' with pants is rare but really fun to draw :D
      Ohhh! Our minds have gone to surprisingly similar places lol not Raziya specifically, but I did think just last night on how kilsha might react to seeing Nyte take interest in someone else. The result was that 1- he'd admit defeat surprisingly quickly.. given that he was in a 'battle' with Arthas before for nytes affections and he so spectacularly lost. And he said that's even before he did all the bad stuff to her and her family.. but also 2- he would be really 'behind the scenes' protective of her because he -did- watch the abuse she went through with Arthas. He'd urn into the kind of guy who's like nice to the person (Raz) publicly/at face level but there would be 'threateningly ight' handshakes with a pointedly serious sharpness in his gaze and a quiet warning between the pair of them that if Nyte ends up hurt, Sha can hurt them worse..
      So it might be interesting to see how something could go that way :) I just didn't want to put any of your guys in danger that way or force them into becoming 'the asshole' lol

      • Link

        I’m glad you had fun with it, and damn she looks incredible :)
        Oooh! Cool! I’m glad it was on your radar even if it wasn’t Raziya particularly :) She’s snorting rather derisively at how quickly he’s given up, but she’s not putting her opinion forth more than that. As for how he would show his protectiveness in the shadows and the threat he could silently pass to her, she’s merely smirked saying he has absolutely no idea what she’s done to ensure her survival; the deals she’s made, the things she’s sold, the things she’s stolen.. She’s muttered venomously that he, of all people, should understand that in the pursuit of survival, everything’s fair.
        Oh, honestly hun, Raz has multitudes of ‘failsafes’ and she’s perfectly content painting herself as an asshole. She was created to be dreadful. And if it pushes one of my favourite pairings closer in the long run, I’m happy to do it :)

        • Link

          He's decidedly unimpressed with her survival skills given he's done his own things to survive and ended up a literal god lol but he says she can take his warning to heart or she can pridefully shrug it off.. outcome still stays the same ^^
          Alrighty Hun I can't help but feel bad though cause I do love all your guys in their own ways ^^ and I know I've seen at least one pic of Raziya looking sad and lonely that made me want to scoop her up ^^ but as long as she'll be ok in the end I'd be happy to explore it! Just might take a smidge of doing on Nytes part cause she's never been one to outright seek out a relationship/has been single since Arthas and she factors in her duties and reputation and such as well lol but also Raz seems very refined and upper class so that would work in her favor/at least get reputation worries somewhat sorted :)

          • Link

            She’s smirking again, saying she’ll allow him to assume she’s a mere mortal as she has no inclination to enlighten him.
            Aww that’s sweet of you hun, I’m the same with your guys too :) lol you’re getting a long, penetrating glare from her now ;) She’s muttering that the only scooping she’d allow you to do is dishing up her ice cream for her.
            No worries at all hun. It’s completely understandable she’d be busy and careful considering her past relationship. Also, please don’t feel railroaded into Raziya, is there someone else that you thought about Nyte becoming interested in when you were pondering?

            • Link

              He's chuckled here now but given no words to what kind of chuckle it is lol
              I'll scoop her Ice cream :) but I thing she'd really enjoy a nice cuddle if she'd try it <3
              Oh no I had no one specific in mind ^^ in my head originally it was someone truly horrid.. but at that point I don't think Nyte would go for it anyway lol it would have to be someone who could manipulate her a bit. Nytes no pushover, herself, so she'd end it the moment she feels too disrespected or used so they'd have to be tricky about it lol

              • Link

                She knows he’s trying to bait her so she’s very careful here about not reacting lol.
                I’m afraid you’ve earned a scoff there, she says no one decides what she’d like but her.
                My noticeably horrid characters are Raziya, Undertow, Carsize and potentially Ivan depending on how his actions are viewed. I got some grumps who aren’t inherently disgusting, like Rue..
                I don’t think Undertow has the sly cunning to be underhanded about it. He’d just be a bastard from day one. Carsize might be slightly more intelligent, but still not really hiding her horridness. Ivan doesn’t see anything really bad in what he does. I’m sure there are other people in my warehouse of a stable, but I’m being very dozy. If anyone jumps up as a potential option let me know and I’ll give you the viewpoint from this side.
                If Nyte goes with Raziya, Mordred has lifted his head about her too, but his spirit is far too broken for him to think he’s anywhere near worthy of Nyte’s notice.

                • Link

                  ok but how does she know she wouldn't like it if she doesnt try it though?? ^^; I just have a driving need to give her something soft and gentle sorry ^^;
                  oh indeed im afraid out of that lineup Raziya is likely the only one Nyte might give a chance ^^; it's ok though I'm not trying to talk you out of Raz or anything and like I said i didnt have anyone specific in mind anyhow! I just can't help but want Raz to find something real, too ^^;

                  • Link

                    I think by the end of this scenario you’ll be wishing she crawls back under her rock ^^; If it gets uncomfortable please nix it immediately <3

                    • Link

                      aw ok sweety but you know im not shy about angsty stuff either lol i do think it'd be a bit in the future yet still cause mean as it sounds I wanna pour a bit more hope into 'Sha first or he might jsut back away ^^;

                      • Link

                        Oooh I defo don’t want that! Get those little birds together however we can :) <3