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Tell 'em by The-Zombie-Cat

Tell 'em


quick sketchy because I rethought who Ember's dad is .. again ^^;
ok so originally this was going to be confined to the Modern au BUT
it fits really rather well for the WoW-verse too.. and adds a bit more drama which ofc is my bread and butter lol
anyway Ember was conceived while Mika was still a Demon which both explains her being a Demon (couldn't take that away from her ^^;) and also because Mika doesn't have the same 'shadow signature' anymore, given he's not a being of shadow anymore, it means the fact that he's Ember's dad is pretty much unreadable unless you actually think to look, which most people don't because they don't get on well now that Ember's an adult ^^;

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  • Link

    Lol oh wow! That’s definitely a twist there! Certainly ties some things together in a neat bundle :) (Baby Em is adorable by the way!) This is a great idea hun :) so, was he ever a good dad?

    • Link

      oh indeed the story came together for the Modern AU (via Zee offering sexual acts in exchange for drugs and Ember happened as a result of that ^^;) but then it kind of fit for the WoW-verse too so I decided to run with it ^^; it explains some of Ember's attitude and her classy sense of style anyway lol (baby Ember was -all- bat ears XD I love drawing her little but I don't ever have any ideas that prompt me for it sadly ^^;) nah, sadly Mika never cared all that much :/ he was never 'connected' to Zee so he had no real reason to be in Ember's life -too- much or get too attached :/ it fits well into Ember's story though because she's so determined to prove herself but it's still sad <3

      Modern AU though they had a bit more contact growing up, not that that was a good thing.. Because Zee's a soldier I imagine she got called on tour and had to leave Ember with Mika for a few years, but also a lot of that was Mika telling his 'employees' to 'look after' her (hence my story about her having scarier 'babysitters' than Yosef ^^;) as Ember grew Mika mostly viewed her as a burden and a mistake and only really spent time with her when he was more or less forced to, so as she grew up she stopped trying to contact him and he stopped trying to contact here and life went on and, because she was 'Zee's problem' Mika never offered much of anything in the way of financials, either (explaining Ember's solo-climb in her career, at least until Everdark showed up lol)

      • Link

        That’s brilliant that it can work parallel in both AU’s. Oh yes, definitely explains it! (Poor Zee though xx) (aww yeah she’s wonderfully cute :) are they mobile for her? I just imagine them drooping like Dobby the house elf when she got told off <3 ) Poor girl.. indeed it fits, tragically. He knows she exists though? So he knows she’s Regent now? Will that have any sway on his plans?

        Ahhh! The scary babysitter idea makes sense now, though I’m sure Yosef would’ve given them a run for their money in the scary stakes ;) ugh.. she had it rough.. will Mika come out of the woodwork now she has all this wealth, or does he have enough of his own that he still won’t seek her out?

        • Link

          oh indeed Ember's ears are very mobile :) but as an adult she's used a lot of strict control to make them stay more stationary/not give her away for multiple reasons, one of which being because she doesn't want to be like Zee,t hat way ^^; and it doesn't do well as a Circle Lord (and now Regent) to be so easily readable lol

          yeah Mika knows about her and he knows he's Regent, he figures that's his way in to take over the Underrealm, when the time comes lol he also knows (and is infuriated by the fact) that Ember is loyal to Gabriel but he thinks he can get around that/sway her if he tried

          oh indeed I'd had it in mind for Ember to say that -before- I'd figured out who Yosef actually was so I certainly have my doubts now lol as for seeking her out, I don't think he actively will, but she's going to be in more places that he frequents now with her new lifestyle and wealth so I can imagine her running into him somewhere/here and there ^^;

          • Link

            Oh wow, that is some next-level self-control to stop herself doing something I imagine is subconscious.

            Do you think Ember can be so swayed by Mika? I’m guessing he’s underestimating her resolve there, or is there a possibility he can cause a crack there?

            If he did see her, would he converse, hide or let her come to him if she chose to? Is he in anyway envious of her instant financial boost? I imagine she rivals, or even trumps his worth

            • Link

              oh indeed, it still happens if she's not careful and under times of deep emotions it still happens, but for the most part she's wrangled it as much under control as she can lol

              I think it would really take a -lot- for Mika to sway her. Honestly the only way I see that happening is if Gabriel did something massively detrimental to lose Ember's faith in him (which I can't see happening tbh) but even then it'd take quite a deal of effort on mika's part to actually get her onto -his- side rather than Ember jsut going her own way from that point on, if that makes sense? He -thinks- he can tempt her because she's obviously got enough power-cravings to take a Circle on her own at such a young age he figures all he has to do is tempt her with the idea of being the -permanent- Underlord, not just Gabriel's stand in. He doesn't get a lot of the little nuances to Ember's character though, like the fact it's not really a 'power trip' she has, but a need to prove to herself and anyone watching that she's worth something, and what she's decided to put that 'worth' into, is being an excellent Demon. And while Demons are bloodthirsty and powerhungry as a species Ember doesn't see being an 'excellent demon' as overthrowing the current leader (im explaining everything -horribly- becasue I just woke up and my brain hasn't properly started yet XD)
              to simplify everything before I ramble nonsensically anymore- it'd jsut really take a whole hell of a lot for her to even consider betraying/going against Gabriel ^^; She has too much faith in him and she has too much pride in the fact of everyone he had to choose from, he decided -she- was best suited for the position or regent (the man does make very very carefully considered decisions after all so it means a lot :) )

              oh he'd definitely approach her but she wouldn't be happy about it lol but nah I don't think he'd be jealous. as far as I know/have heard the Mob is super wealthy and powerful themselves, especially the bosses so I doubt the guy is wanting for anything ^^;

              • Link

                Aww I hope it happens under deep positive emotions too, because whoever is with her had a silent confirmation that she was head over heels for them :)

                And that’s why Gabriel chose her. Her unwavering loyalty, her ability and her intelligence. Every time you describe Ember’s reactions to hypothetical things, Gabrielis more and more convinced he chose the right person (not that he has any doubts, he’s just proven right every time) it would be amazing to read that attempt between the pair if Mika ever made it. (Lol no worries hun it makes sense to me)

                For some people, having everything is not enough, you want everyone else to have nothing.. but I’m glad he’s not going to be a bother to her, too much

                • Link

                  oh indeed I imagine after any absences/time away her ears would visibly perk up a bit upon seeing him again :)

                  aw I'm so glad to hear that hun :) And Ember, too <3 she's determined to do the absolute best job she can <3
                  oh indeed I imagine it would be frustrating for both parties XD though writing it out would be rather one-sided on my end XD

                  oh indeed, Mika is like that a lot when it comes to business competition, as you saw with his reaction to Baz or as he would be towards any rival weapons dealers and suchlike, but Ember -is- his daughter and that matters at least a little bit to him, even if it's not enough for him to actually have stepped in and helped her out ^^;