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Modern AU doodles by The-Zombie-Cat

Modern AU doodles


I was inspired to doodle how (almost) everyone would look in Modern AU and figure out what they mgiht be/do ^^;

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    Argh!!!! Oh look at them! They look amazing! Look how stunning they all are!
    You know I already adore Ember’s modern look, she is smoking hot :)
    I love how you’ve gotten Erys to look both badass and incredibly cute at the same time :D
    Estra is absolutely sublime and elegant! Simply breathtaking! Is her snake real? What’s it called?
    Oh I can totally see Zee as a war vet! Loving her human form :) I wonder if a certain naval sailor might have taken her eye during wartime.. ;)
    Tryana just looks so done, the dear of her xx like someone’s written off a Pittie just because that’s what they are. I can see her having a whole pack of them in her house
    Drak has got a real Gregory House vibe going there, I adore it! Imagine meeting that face when you’re about to go in for major surgery :)
    Dee is absolutely adorable! Which I know is likely to cause my instant death, but I don’t care! Gabriel is staring over the top of his camera at her like an absolute goon! (Much like his brother, Abraham the guppyfish lol)
    Nyte looks incredible! I can see her sat in the window seat, with rain pouring down the glass outside as she thoughtfully takes notes. She’s the picture of elegance.
    I ADORE Toxi! That design is absolutely gorgeous! I can see her trying out her chemical concoctions on the unwitting public.
    Awww Thorne is maniacally adorable too :D I can’t imagine seeing many baby pink or yellow flowers in her shop though;)
    Kil’Sha, as always, looks like a proper badass too! Where did he get the scars?

    ((Also, I just realised, I’ve just like assumed the WoW couplings are simply carrying over. But this is a great time to mix up the couples if that’s something you or your guys are interested in? Cerzz wants to be an olympic archer lol I get some random things in my brain ;) ))

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      aw thank you dear :D there were a few I wasn't too pleased with how they turned out but that was more down to be being tired/not being able to draw their features right rather than their overall look so that's on me lol
      Indeed Estra's snake is real and he goes with her pretty much everywhere she goes :) I imagine at work while she's being filmed she demands her dressing room/dressing trailer have accomodations for him so he'll be comfy lol His name is Salazar :) She'll got ot movie premiers and walk down the red carpet with him draped around her neck instead of a.. one of those feather things I forget the name of now lol and also it keeps paparazzi at a reasonable distance most of the time ;) though Estra isn't the kind of celebrity that minds having her picture taken, she loves attention lol
      oh indeed I was trying to think what Zee would be, I kept flopping between some kind of athlete (I thought maybe a track star because she's got the runner's body, or maybe soccer/football, or maybe gymnastics (but that one seemed too elegant for her tbh XD) and I thought about having her in like ufc fighting or maybe wrestling or boxing but that didn't hit right either.. I was glad i remembered soldiers/the military is a thing because that one really spoke to me for her :) going into it because she has that deep need to protect people/ feel like she's doing well, then ending up with too much fighting and getting PTSD and such it fits with her Wow story/personality the best I think and keeps her close to what I imagine her :) and ohhh!! he -absolutely- would turn her head I'm sure ;) though she's still deathly afraid of the ocean so she'd likely only have seen him ashore lol
      oh Tryana is so done with everything a lot of the time XD oh indeed Pitts are one of her absolute favourites and I'm sure she would take any opportunity to argue against people who think they're 'all bad' just for the breed.. she'd get so seething lol and indeed she at least has to have her Lucien :) but I can definitely imagine her taking in and at least fostering more <3 I can see her rescuing old fighting dogs and gladly being the one to show them kindness and compassion and patience for the first time in their lives </3 poor dears <3
      YES! lol I got really big House vibes from Drak as well and honestly he wouldn't be -too- much different in personality either lol maybe a less 'goofy' at times XD oh indeed I imagine Drak tries to avoid actually consulting with people and will send nurses, interns, and other doctors to talk to patients/family members as much as possible so he doesn't have to go himself lol he says he's interested in the 'mechanics' of people, not their consciousness ^^;
      Aw thank you :) I wanted Dee to look a mix between 'innocent' and 'something about her tells me not to mess with her' lol it was a difficult balance to manage ^^; I also struggled a LOT with her job, but she's always at least privately appreciated the arts, especially religion-inspired ones, so I can see her owning/curating a museum of religious paintings, statues, and really ancient stuff :) aww the dear :3 Maybe he comes in to take pictures for the museum and they can meet ;) (and aw I'm glad Abraham is excited as well lol)
      oh Kil'sha was another struggle to nail down a profession for lol I think it's becasue his WoW-version is such a free spirit that even -that- didn't have a solid job, really XD I think his modernAU job has changed again though.. or at least that he has another 'at home' job ^^; I'm thinking he owns an animal sanctuary :) that seems something down his alley, taking in all these exotic 'pets' people get and then decide it's too much and they can't. He'd keep and protect/care for the ones that couldn't be rehabilitated and release the ones that could once he was certain they could survive on their own <3 it sounds like something he'd be into anyhow so i think I'll run with it ^^; and also if I got that route it'd be a good way for him to have gotten scars ;) so we'll say they're from animals that weren't quite used to him yet

      (aw hun they certainly can :) but they don't have to, either, I don't want to pressure it ^^; I'm totally happy to just have people meet as they would naturally meet and see how it all goes :) I'm not picky who ends up with who :) <3 and ohh! that sounds awesome for Cerzz :D and I would be so thrilled to read/interact with her again :D)

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        Aww hun, I totally get that, drawing while tired can bring out all sorts of wonkiness but they look immense here sweetheart and their designs are gently set :)
        Aww that’s incredible! And his name is wondrous :) Salazar :) lol not the stereotypical actress demands then? Must have tank and mice on hand :) I love it :) A feather boa? Aww that’s awesome. Playing Devil’s advocate a little bit here, but will ‘Sha have thoughts about Salazar being ‘worn’ like that? Would there ever be a time where Estra would not want a photo taken?
        Would Zee be into extreme sports maybe? Like rock climbing for example? They have lithe powerful bodies and I can see Zee hanging off a precipice by one hand, grinning like a mad thing hundreds of feet above certain death >:) Oh yes, the hard life of a soldier fits perfectly for her, especially if she lost a group dear to her in some sort of attack and she could do nothing. Oh I’m sure we can arrange a bit of shore leave for the grumpy gus ;) he will look SO different though! Still miserable and morose though ;)
        Lol it really comes across in Tryana’s expression there, dear of her ;) I imagine after seeing how horrific humans can be to dogs, it must crack at her soul to see it day in day out :/ Aww that’s wonderful of her, I love the hard nuts that have the secret soft centres ;) is there going to be a Sten-like dog who’s been treated so horribly, he just doesn’t act like normal dogs or shall we keep the Qunari similarities with someone in her human circle?!
        It’s perfect for him! (in certain ways at least) the haggard look, done with pretty much everyone, heavy intelligent sarcasm.. love it :) even if we’ll not see him being adorably goofy :) Aww that’s brilliant and definitely understandable for the guy, must be crappy to be a brilliant surgeon but trying to be a people person when you’re not. Does he get on with his theatre team alright? What do they think of him?
        Oh I definitely wouldn’t mess with Dee. There is something there now you mention it that she’s going to, at the very least, give you a major frowning! It definitely suits her to be in such an impressive building filled with such important things. Would she go on any expeditions? How would she cope with a gaggle of schoolkids in her exhibits? Aww yes I definitely love that idea, he’d have his breath snatched away! (<3)
        Oh that definitely suits ‘Sha, especially being at the head of this protective organisation. And of course a big terrifying man looking after animals is hot as all hell! Lol though I doubt he’d be enamoured with Cerzz. Outside of the archery competition season, I’m afraid I do see her going out into the wilds with her bow and arrow and hunting to keep her eye in. Though she’s insisting that she butchers everything she kills, which honestly isn’t much. She is a ‘pure’ hunter, in that she doesn’t use cars, tech or guns. She just disappears into the wilderness for a few weeks tracking and shooting.

        Okie awesome mate, we’ll see who ends up where :)

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          aw well thank you :) I doubt I'll draw them again unless something story-wise inspires me but it's nice to have the images down at least even if they're a bit wonky in places XD
          yes! I was going to say boa but I was like wait that's a snake XD I think 'Sha would be ok with Salazar's treatment because he's absolutely spoiled rotten and Estra clearly cares about him/makes sure he's taken care of :) it's when people get pets they don't know how to care for/don't care enough to learn about and treat right that he gets edgy about it <3 especially especially when people essentially just use an animal for an 'art piece' in their home, like keeping a big snake like that just trapped in a too-small cage and barely giving any attention he'd be livid with a situation like that. or the people who are vegetarians and they try to force their carnivore pets to -also- be vegetarians.. just stuff that's actually harmful and/or cruel for the animal set him off <3 hmm I think of any time Estra wouldn't want her picture taken is maybe when she's down with a nasty flu or something lol but even then she'd probably still pose for it XD
          ohh indeed that's a thought :) maybe in her spare time lol I can see rock climbing being a thing she enjoys for sure :) skydiving, bungee jumping and whatnot, she's a real adrenaline junkie XD
          oh indeed it'd really break tryana down seeing it, but I don't imagine she sees -too- much in her line of work at least <3 every once in a while she might have to tell off an owner who brings a dog in for training, telling them if they actually played with the dog/took them on walks/kept them happy and occupied then they wouldn't chew up the furniture but luckily I don't see her getting many actual abuse cases coming through <3 and aww that sounds adorable <3 she'd happily take a doggo like that in <3
          oh Dee would never be able to tolerate groups of little kids and their grabby hands XD I imagine she has people that do the tours and stuff so she doesn't have to, but she'll pop out of the woodwork to scold you if you try to touch or move anything XD
          hmm with Cerzz I think it depends what kind of animals she'd hunt and if she actually makes use of what she kills. He's got BIG problems with the people who just kill for bragging rights and stuff the thing to have it on display. and he really -really- despises poachers (not that I think Cerzz would be one ofc she was always such a sweety to animals <3) Kil'sha isn't a vegan though and he's ok with people hunting for food etc, he does so himself so he'd be a hypocrite if he had issue with it lol) it's all about whether it's humane, really

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            :) it’s really handy for me to see them too, I’m dreadful at picturing things based on verbal descriptions alone. Lol! Keep your eyes off the wonkies you ;)

            Lol Estra’s boa is a touch more lifelike ;) Ah that’s good then, he wouldn’t be demanding she release him or anything then. Oh I can hardly blame him. Watched a brief YT video yesterday and a couple actually owned a lioness. And then there were massive surprised pikachu faces when she went for one of the film crew. Scratched and bit him up badly. I don’t imagine Kil’Sha will be within a hundred miles of some swanky do, but I do like the idea of him dislodging the lids off all the ‘display’ cases. Let the rich bastards find a python in their bed ;) sounds like Kil’Sha and myself could take root up on our soapbox about this horrible issue!
            Aww Estra! Now that’s dedication!
            Awesome, she looks like the sort who could get a real buzz out of it :) Maybe Din does a bit of mountain climbing to get as far away from the sea as possible for a few weeks lol
            Good, I’m glad she isn’t exposed to it often. I can’t think of anything more soul-destroying than watching these poor things trying to earn the affection of their idiot owners. Have you seen the animated short called Kitbull? Is heart-wrenching but really well done
            Lol that’s a brilliant image! Some sticky-fingered kid about to touch some sacred relic and POP there’s Dee poking her head out from round a corner and glaring hehe
            Oh Cerzz despises trophy hunters, but she feels she can’t say too much because of her own activities. She’d likely go for herd animals as there are more of them and one loss wouldn’t be as impactful as, say, taking a leopard or something. I can imagine she’d get deeply upset to see something like a dead elephant sprawled on the ground with its tusks wrenched out of its head. Oh Cerzz has no horrific intentions for the animals. No stretching out their death. Though she could probably get the same adrenaline rush if someone stuck a target to the roof of a keep or something and went hurtling off-road ;)

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              ugh same lol I love a good visual ^^; which is why I end up going into big projects like this I think XD

              oh no, only if Salazar really shows discomfort, but he's a spoiled little brat who enjoys the pampering he gets so it's all good XD ugh indeed.. you hear about these wild animals being kept as pets and then they break free and/or attack people and it's like? What did you think was going to happen, honestly?
              lol oh gods indeed that would be chaos XD though Kil'sha's immediate point is he wouldn't leave those animals to the mercy of what would happen to them :/ animal control gets called and then the animals get pout down simply for being true to their nature? He's not interested in setting that in motion ^^; he'd happily go in and steal the animals out form under them though so they can be rehabilitated/released to have long happy lives :)
              oh indeed I think even Tryana's guarded and stoic nature would start to really crack apart if she had to see too much sadness there :( <3 though she is aware it happens and that's bad enough in itself <3 she always keeps an eye out to make sure the dogs she does come into contact with are being treated well- but as a general rule if people are willing to pay to make sure their dogs can get proper exercise, socialization, and training it usually means those people care about their doggos <3
              aw the dear <3 indeed I can't see Kil'sha taking too much issue with her/her actions then :) and aw the dear, damn impressive if she can hit a target on a jeep, too!!