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Chains by TheWolfsDragon



Comic cover for a comic coming out soon

Posting only the first chapter. will be printing and selling actual copies through amazon.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Oh wow! This looks great! I hope you get a lot of buyers!

    • Link

      thank you so much. i doubt i will. but thank you for you comment <3

      • Link

        If I can I think I might buy it...What's it about?

        • Link

          hmm. its about Requen, a foxlike critter, whose pack's dens are constantly attacked and set fire too. so Requen decides he is gonna prove himself by finding the critter responsible and dealing with it. when he travels up into the near by canyon after what appears to be a light one night. He finds, fights with, and accidently kills a magic being. he is dragged, alive, into the spirit world with it. due to being alive. he can not preserve the spirit world so spends several thousand years in a sleep like state. and is placed back into his original world by the spirits as a way to repent for his actions. he is stuck (or chained to the soul of) the creature he killed. when he returns his home is gone. replaced by a city made of the canyon. his kind have disappeared and become legend to the creatures in this city. and he panics and after listening to the legends decides he must go find what happened to his kind. blah blah. uh so he is stuck with a creature he hates and still blames for the deaths of many of his friends. summaries aren't on of my strengths lol. probably explained that poorly. xD

          • Link

            its ok im glad you did! I would love to buy it if im allowed to...(Parents oen amazon so I have to make sure they let me buy it)