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Huevember 2016 Day 20 by TheWolfCalledBunny

Huevember 2016 Day 20


Finally done with the Holy Quintet portrait set! So with those and the Slayers set that I finished this Huevember, that's eight new mini-prints! Add the Matsu set when that's all done and that'll be fourteen.

Now if only I could expand my full-size print selection... That might be my next order of business art-wise after Huevember's done, besides things like Secret Santas, possible commissions (hint hint) and at least a few gift arts for friends. And stickers, also for cons. And final projects... And that one Welsh exam. Well, actually, two of my three final projects should be wrapped up by next week. Huzzah!

But then there's still packing for moving back home, printing new prints and otherwise preparing for Taiyou Con, preparing for BabsCon after that if mine and my friend's application is approved, and then hitting the pavement to find a day job because much as I love art, I'm not at the point where I can fully support myself on it yet - not by a long shot. Well, that and I need to use my Bachelor's degree for something.

Oh dear, how did this become a ramble-fest?

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