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And now for something completely awful by TheViktor

And now for something completely awful


It would seem like that Jaime has become my output on a lot of things that I consider to be bad, wrong and simply horrible, and in this case it involves a meme chart that involves abusing and breaking up with your waifu character of your own or from a franchise of any kind.
This has got to be the worst and depressing meme chart I have ever seen and I have seen cute snail girls getting burned and melted by salt, and it just goes to show about how much of a despicable place internet can be.
And before anyone goes nuts, yes I am fully aware that there is a opposite meme chart where you get to do loving stuff to the character you have in mind and I may sound hypocritical considering I have done a couple of memes involving a list of characters I hate and a face meme and no one may not have done these memes for a time now but there's a different doing something for fun. But this? I don't what the fun is about it.
Whoever did this must have been either in dark place, was really angry at something or someone at the moment for various reasons and/or wanted to be a troll and see how many other would fall for the trick

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