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Error 404 Failure by TheViktor

Error 404 Failure


Yeah, I have no excuse for my absence during these part two months. No, it wasn't anxiety or breakdown of any kind nor was I sick or something like that. At least, not yet anyway since the flu are on high season during winter.
It was just me having a minor art block but it was enough for me to being lazy and postpone for "the next day" and so on it went for days that turns into weeks and then months plus I was trying to organize myself again for next year and worked on some ideas I had in mind for some of my comics including a new one that will be on Deviant Art in the near future, maybe like next year by January.
so I will try to post some pictures that I managed to draw now, just don't expect any miracles and have patience.
This is why I don't do Patreon which has gotten a lot of backlash due to a new policy regarding increasing sharing profits and such which I can see why the site needs some more percentage to keep up profit but I can also see why people are reluctant about seeing that most tends to not be able afford the payments...

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Visual / Traditional
