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OC Boundaries by thesheeark

OC Boundaries


@/shareocs made a post that said:
"hey, share ur boundaries for ur ocs !
-is fanart ok ?
-are headcanons & shipping ok ?
-is kinning ok ?
-is fanfiction/writing ok ?
-can others draw their own ocs w urs ? (consider this an addition to the 1st question)
these r good things to let ur followers know I think :)"

And for me that is yes to all, both SFW and NSFW, for all my characters. None of them have ages, and none are seen as children so no worries. Though you'll need to ask me about kinning, (unless it's an alternate AU). The only thing you can't do is work off them monetarily, as I still hold copyright, and even own some under my own IP. But other than that, I want ppl to have fun, and not wall up your imagination, even if it involves my characters. Just be sure to let me know, because I wanna see! : D

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