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A Buncha Dragonraptordogs by TheShaggyDragon

A Buncha Dragonraptordogs


So this doodle dump was too big for both Weasyl and FA alas so i had to cut it up here
as always left right, top down.

in the top left corner was an entry to talk about draconic abrahamic religions. Old prepulse versions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism do exist in the DragonScape, however they are notably different from what they were in the prepulse. As the tenents of the old dilapidated churches, mosques and synagogues now need to explain why they are now dragons... not an easy feat! Some of these groups and churches may themselves turn into various cults, though many will be able to stay above the more extreme interpretations of the dragonscape that tend to create cults.

A drek holding an example of a "zip musket" which is basically an improvised black powder weapon, usually a shotgun. such firearms are common throughout the dragonscape, they are simple to make and maintain and a lot easier to work with than trying to make precise ammo and parts for prepulse guns. While prepulse guns exist and are used they simply require more effort to keep functioning than what is practical for most drekir, hence the use of simple muskets instead.

A pleasant doodle of a drek herding some cockatrices around. Cockatrices (once chickens) are a common farm animal throughout the dragonscape, just mind their quick drying earthen magical breath/vomit that can stick you to the ground. rather inconvenient.

Here is a Canadian with a bow and some crude verdastal for the arrow. Low quality verdastal (signaled by being purple) is quite comparable to bronze in its properties. The common peasant of a Scrael Kingdom is likely to only have this purple verdastal in most of their daily tools, far better than stone tools but there is still a lot of room for improvement.

A DrekInum with a crossbow powered by spring power rather than bow power. That said conflict isn't usually done with weapons in the undercaves nor does it happen often to begin with. Typically the sivilao have little reason to pull drekirinum out of caves since the cave dragons basically cant see or function effectively in direct daylight. Also any overworld bandits or raiders looking to see what is in the undercaves that is worth taking are going to findthemselves woefully outmatched, facing an opponent that is more than able to act effectively in the dark and also an opponent who knows their home turf well. As such most fighting in the undercaves is localized infighting in the cave systems between tribes of DrekirInum.

There have recently been some requests for propaganda posters that would show up on human settlements and outposts and i drew a few but this one looks ok enough for me. It's a Japanese poster, now to be honest i don't know japanese and i used google translate, but what i meant to say here is:
"The Ferals are Looming, Don't become one, There is only one cure to infection"
The Japanese tend to view drekification as a disease and are quick to imprison operatives or human personnel that show signs of drekification in any significant way.
so their posters are understandably paranoid about the issues regarding drekification and are more than meant to take a more scaremongering approach to the threats of the dragonscape compared to UK and Indian Posters.

A request for a drek playing a one man band, not much lore here but it was fun to draw!

A warmup drawing of a Drekifijoldur with a walking stick, just a fun lil warmup

Just a drawing of a drek mage, most drekir mages tend to always need at least some form of quickly accessible mana doses (in this case the vials on their chest). Many also keep a larger stock on hand in case they need to fill up their vials, such as the jug on this one's tailpack.

And unusually, a Bal for a daily doodle,
Rylīm is the Bal of the Floridian Everglade marshlands and swamplands. He is the sort of bal that isn't going to decimate everything that comes close but has avoided having a cult develop around him due to his ability to avoid things he doesnt like. and he doesn't like company
Rylīm has the ability to materialize out of any body of water that is wider than 1 meter around and 1 meter or deeper in depth despire the fact he is well over a hundred feet long. He does have a bit of an obsession with rot, things that rot.
It doesn't matter what it is
It could be a pile of rotting oranges or a dead body, if Rylīm finds something substantial that is rotting then he will observe it rather unmovingly for weeks at before taking the rotting things into the water with him, disappearing and putting the rotting matter in an unknown location. Drekir, Sivilao and Humans who have tried to interact with him get no response and Rylīm has been known to forcefully decay those who try to attack him or take away the rotting things he is currently enraptured with.

I am doing a larger rework of magic that i plan on making a large journal post about, but Starir in generally are more of a long term investment, when someone first summons one they start off rather small and need to be 'fed' and kept alive to really pay off. This Sta is particularly an acidic one... doesn't look like a cat but im sure they will make it work.

Shaggy out!

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  • Link

    these guys kind of remind me of Yinglets.

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      Oh! I do know a bit about Yinglets, the Valsalia rodents, what reminds you of them?

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        well, their overal posture, the look, imagining them without fur really... and the little white one in the one man band? That is totally a face a yinglet would make. Plus, one of them totally has a shell tooth. So, yeah, they reminded me of them. They are adorable, just like the little ratbirds, just much less fur ^^

        • Link

          Oh ok I can see where you’re coming from!
          Neat but not sure if that’s for better or worse

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            Either way, these guys are adorable, as mentioned. Keep up the good work.