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Teeth by TheScatterbrain



Some dude from a dream I had.

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  • Link

    @_@ Did he look exactly like this? I am intrigued... especially by what happened that involved this character.

    • Link

      Pretty much yeah. He was chained up in the basement of a café and was only there for a very small portion of the dream to say something I can't remember. I don't remember what else went on in the dream either. I have a lot of disturbing dreams, but at least they make for some interesting imagery sometimes.

      • Link

        I have this fascination with demons, and the things I believe about them. I think they can show up in people's dreams easily, so creatures like this just remind me of dream demons :O Which is interesting because sometimes that's the most physical appearance we get to see of them. Very inspiring tho, whether this was a dream demon or just something random your brain spat out, it's always interesting to see how these kind of characters appear in a dream

        • Link

          Dream demons huh? What are they supposed to do - Cause nightmares, negative feelings and stuff like that?

          • Link

            I'm not entirely sure how much power they have over your dreams, since dreams are kind of a mystery as it is... but I think that if you're going through a bad time in your life, or something is really weighing on your heart, "demons" take advantage of that and manifest in your dreams. Something about how dreams are more of a connection to the spirit realm and it's easier for them to slip through and effect your dreams. I don't think they necessarily CAUSE negative feelings, but they feed off of it and take advantage of it.

            GEE I HOPE I DON'T SOUND CRAZY. This is just what I think @_@

            • Link

              Haha, nah it's fine, it's an interesting idea. I don't hold much significance to dreams myself. I feel like they tend to be either perfectly logical (in their own non-logical dream way) or perfectly nonsensical and ridiculous. They can be hard to figure out at first, but usually the dreams that stick with you will make sense later on and you can see what your brain was trying to tell you. The dreams that seem important to me rarely focus on a character or person I know and are never recurring. They concentrate more on a theme or feeling, so I can't say I can relate to having 'demons' like that in my dreams.

              • Link

                Yeah dreams are kinda hard to figure out, especially if you are looking for some sort of significance within, but it's interesting to contemplate, either way!