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YouShouldSeeMeInACrown by Therasis



So the hiatus began in July 18, 2021. Got sick of covid-19 and made this drawing up here. I felt miserable. thought i was gonna die and stuff like that.
Later on, I got better, in a way? I needed some treatments for the sequels of the sickness, so i got them. My nose and tongue were useless and I got kind of depressed. 
Later on, I got better. kind of. I remeber I made a raffle just before I got sick so I had a LOT of work to do... and no energy. I kept of working, slowly and the pressure made me demotivated, I burnt out. I think it was because of me trying to do the things I should with no energy, I don't know.
Later on, I got better, I guess? I mean... Dad basically kicked me out of the house and I live on my own now, It would have been great if he wouldn't have been so hurtful. The things he said still have me questioning my whole adulthood now, but stuff is moving. I am moving. started working again on the things i had to do and I was only one drawing away to get out of the immense workload i had to deal with because of the raffle.
Later on...

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