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(R) Sun 3 23 "Nunc Stans" by Theotormon

(R) Sun 3 23 "Nunc Stans"


Nunc Stans as a concept can be explained by the phrase "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once." I know that's the title of a movie, but that's what I like about it - even though it disguises itself as sci-fi, the themes it explores are spiritual. Jumping into different versions of yourself, to me, is analogous to experiencing other people's lives and reflecting yourself in them. Shared humanity is at the core of the final scenes as well. Enemies are defeated through compassion. I could go on, but that would extend this description too far. In short, according to many experts in varying fields, time is an illusion and instead, for the sake of this point, there may be four dimensions of space - time is our way of experiencing this fourth spatial dimension, as our "left-brain" ego moves through this eternally simultaneous structure in which every detail of every life matters - in which everything is secretly one and the same, in spite of how separate it sometimes appears. Of course, this would imply that everything is predetermined - which some people don't like. To me it doesn't matter - choosing to be creative, love and hurt sincerely, to give yourself to life, it all goes into what you will ever be, forever. On a side note, meditation and psychedelics also erode one's sense of time passing.

Recently, I encountered grief for the first time and experienced how much it can release. Among the many moments I lived again were the precious few days I spent on vacation together with my gran. It just so happens that I met Sunpraiser, the owner of this character, irl on one of these vacations. He was the first online "fur" I'd met at that point. I can still see us sitting together and drawing, which at the time was huge to me because of my first experiences with physiological issues - which relates directly to my dreams of being a fulltime artist. So him winning the raffle maybe 2 weeks after her passing, out of pure chance, felt pretty strange. I talked about him to her. Worried about my future, about online friendships, life. And here I am tryin to live, and be happy as I promised her. Which involved taking some risks on this artwork - I wasn't even able to polish it much because it was supposed to be just a sketch! But yeah, I'm tired of kneeling to my insecurities. Generally, I'm exhausted these days.

The visual appearance of this picture was supposed to be pretty cyclical, while remaining outside of time. There is movement, but it feels suspended. It starts with these circles in the background, which could be phases of sorts, and Solyr's pose is very symmetrical. the many grid lines could be seen as crystalline or playing with dimensionality. I also wanted to mention that there is a star of David in this (which is a qabalistic device) that happened coincidentally as I constructed what was meant to be a "drama triangle" between the tail-tip and head, which I then flipped. Of course, my use of any kind of symbols here (including the egg) is really clumsy. Not gonna deny. But it was so much fun. Looking forward to more. Thanks of course goes to Sun, who also agrees with the metaphysical quality of his character. Otherwise I wouldn't have had the confidence to do all that to him. 

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Visual / Sketch