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Laurence/Rudd by TheDawner



  • writer. uses 'rudd' as a pseudonym
  • was an active and important participant involving a revolution within the city that he lived in. had many enemies but was skilled enough to avoid them until one faithful day.
  • someone sent out after him a plague victim to infect him. needless to say they succeeded.
  • the disease acts like the following: the victim needs to feed on others of their kind every few days in order to prevent succumbing to excruciating migraines and respectively insanity, sometimes even coma.
  • other symptoms include: jaw deformation, skin lesions appearing at random across the body, high fever, increased sensibility to light, body more frail and prone to injuries that heal considerably slower, jaw deformation.
  • currently struggles to subsist in the outskirts with other plague victims.
  • still writes to keep himself sane and still contributes to propaganda against the city's rulers. started to use the name 'rudd' after this.
  • his mother helps him a great deal by spending fortunes on ailments to slow down the plague's progression.

  • aloof/proud/pompous/self-centered/irascible/absent-minded

  • disgusted at himself because of what he has become but doesn't hold back when he has to tear through people.

laurence belongs to the lovarth specie and the plague is an artificially created bacteria simply named yered's curse. most lovarths are highly religious and have dubbed it 'godlessness' as they believe it's a actually a mass demonic possession and a sign that the gods have abandoned them << info i couldn't cram anywhere else i'm sorry for this mess wow

edit: oop i forgot to add that the goop secreted by his tounge is acidic. all lovarth's can breathe fire by spitting that substance which would ignite when in contact with air. however, after becoming a godless the saliva became viscous and modified itself so that it isn't volatile anymore.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    zombie doggy t hingy, oh no QnQ we're all doomed! nice char concept though.

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      nnnnooo better run before he sees you as dinner!

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    Have I ever told you how much I absolutely love your designs?

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      aaaa thank you uwu <3

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        You're incredibly welcome! Will there be more ... 'ref sheets' like this later?

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          yup! i have one in the works for locke:
          he hasn't changed much, the variation of style of the refs bothers me more actually, heh.

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            ohmygosh. This makes me excited. -aggressively stares at all the details on either ref-
            And the variation makes it interesting, though! it'd be boring if all of the refs had the same info over and over. :/
            Hair, eyes, height, weight. Hair, eyes, height, weight. After a while that sort of thing blends together.
            The differences stand out better this way <3