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[SFM] Cheshire's Date Part 5 #PrideMonth by TheCheshireGuy

[SFM] Cheshire's Date Part 5 #PrideMonth


Our cat boy Cheshire arranged a date with one of my character crushs I've had for a while: Kif from Futurama.

Now I know he's not that gay but at least let a little guy like me dream a little, okay ? This is just a harmless fanart of one of my favorite characters hanging on with my persona.

Suddenly Cheshire bends his knees toward Kif and says the following:

"I don't know if it's too soon to ask this but since the fist time I've seen you my heart has been filled with joy and love, Kif, because you're one of the greatest persons I've ever seen. I've really liked from our moment together and I wish you could stay with me for some more time. However before we finish this date I'd like to ask you an important question: do you want to be my...boyfriend ?"

"Cheshire, I-", Kif says, not knowing what to say next, "I-You're a great person too and all but I don't have much experience being with someone and growing attached to them like Fly and Leela did. I barely have enough time to dedicate myself for myself let alone for someone else."

"Then try it out, at least once, Kif!", Cheshire says, "Think on yourself at least once in your life and enjoy the moment. You'll never know when you'll get another chance someday."

"If you say so, then I'll be your boyfriend, Cheshire.", Kif says, "And I'll let my voice be heard, whatever it takes."

"That's the way, Kif", Cheshire says, with a satisfying expression on his face.

"Futurama" Franchise © Matt Groening.