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Akai no Ken by theblackrook

Akai no Ken


So a while back in March I said I wanted to do a free peice, about 5 people said they wanted one and I picked the one that interested me the most. So here we have the WIP of Coyote42's free request pic.

Here we have to shining examples of why you don't mess with Red Pandas. Sayuri Seiji and and Yingjie, which in my world are Edokan and Weilin Red Pandas respectively. Sayuri's in her Fujiwara Style Kimono, since hers is based on Rhade's; like his hers has some things unique. Firstly normal ones don't have the hood, and she's probably showing way more skin in her upper body.

The weapons are inspired by the artwork of the talented Hyung-Tae Kim and is a send of to Blade & Soul. A shout out to my partner and baby girl Lavenderpandy too, she still impresses me with her skill.

A special shout out to amun He helped tremendously with getting the weapons right, he's a superior artist who deserves your love an attention.

Yingjie © coyote42